
Diet "Minus 60" Catherine Mirimanova

There are beloved goodies and lose weight, approve the creator of the diet "Minus 60" Ekaterina Mirimanova. Many of her sequences around the world have already been convinced of this. Consider the main positions of this slimming system:

Nutrition on the minus 60 system implies a three-time full meal during the day. It is advisable to eliminate all snacks between meals. To breakfast, dinner or dinner you need to be hungry.

  1. Breakfast is the meal of food, which is allowed to have everything that will do (sweet coffee with cream, cake, fried potatoes, etc.). Be sure to have breakfast until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. If there is no wake after awakening, drink a glass of warm water, eat a piece of cheese or a suucharik to launch the metabolism in the morning.
  2. Dining is allowed to dishes with any sauces (even mayonnaise and sausages can be eaten until 14.00). It is important to remember that potatoes, legumes and pasta can never be combined with meat or fish.
  3. Dinner is the easiest eating. You can dinner until 18.00, if this time did not have time, it means that dinner should be skipped at all. Prepare dishes to dinner is allowed by any way except frying. You can not use any fats in the preparation of dinner. Dinner options are allowed:
  • fruits or vegetables + dairy products;
  • vegetables + fruit;
  • porridge + fruit;
  • porridge + vegetables;
  • meat or fish without side dish.

Sport. Holding to the system "minus 60", be sure to exercise every day. You can choose any exercise: jogging, gym, aerobic classes, yoga, bodyflex or even gymnastics at home. The main thing is regularity.

Maintenance of skin tone. The skin is elastic, according to the system recommended daily massages coffee grounds. In addition to maintaining skin tone and exfoliation of cornified particles such massage propels blood through the body, oxygenates the skin and helps to further burn fat. After coffee massage is recommended to use a gentle massage with mummy and favorite cream body. This will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Allowed to use any aids: tumblers, jars, cream slimming body wraps, fat burning baths.

Drinks and alcohol. Allowed to drink tea and coffee (even with cream and sugar to 12.00), natural vegetable and fruit juices, water, and low fat dairy products. You can not drink soda and sweet water, packaged juices. As spirits can only eat dry red wine (1-2 glasses a holiday) and all.

Another ban - milk chocolate. You have to switch to a bitter black. It is more useful, but to get involved in this delicacy is not worth.

On holidays and during night events can not be derogated from the system. Dining is possible only until 18.00, and only authorized products. If during the night feast want to eat, you can eat a slice of low-fat cheese, herbal teas (not black and without sugar), black coffee, a glass of dry red wine. More can be learned about permitted and prohibited products here.


This weight loss system has no contraindications. Its approved doctors recommend even to pregnant women and adolescents. That's because the food is balanced by such a system includes all the necessary products for a proper and healthy functioning of the body. In addition, it is suitable for both men because has no restrictions on reception of meat and therefore does not have to starve. The main advice from the creator of the diet system: do not rush to an abrupt transition to a new way of eating. Gradually, over several weeks, give up your favorite junk food, adjust the exercise.

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