Mediterranean diet for weight loss

Mediterranean diet for weight loss

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most popular weight loss techniques in the world, allowing to preserve a slim figure, while eat tasty, varied, without feeling a hunger. In addition, the products included in the diet menu have a beneficial effect on the entire body, extending his youth. The diet is based on the principles of the nutrition of the Mediterranean, which are famous for their longevity and vital activity.

Mediterranean Diet: Power Principles

The Mediterranean diet can rightly be considered an excellent example of healthy balanced nutrition, the result of which will be not only loss of extra kilograms, but also the improvement of the body. There is no contraindications for its application, because it is available to absolutely everyone who wants to adjust their weight. Weight loss occurs due to exception in the diet of food with a high content of starch and harmful fats contained in fast food, semi-finished products and confectionery products.

The main principle of the diet is the use of simple products with a low glycemic index, which are not deposited in the body in the form of fatty sediments. The daily consumption of bread from coarse wheat varieties, pasta, brown rice, fish, cheese, olive oil, vegetables, greens is recommended. Essential food is necessary 5 times a day, following the following rules:

  • In the daily diet should be present proteins and carbohydrates. It should be limited to the use of red meat, and give preference to low-fat meat or fish.
  • Any dish must be refueling with olive oil, margarine, lards are excluded.
  • Include in the diet as much fresh vegetables as possible, as well as legumes and nuts.
  • It is allowed to drink a glass of wine during lunch or dinner.
  • Sugar should be replaced with honey, and salt - herbs and spices. Salt to the body will come through the use of cheeses that are included in the diet.
  • Drink up at least 6 glasses of water per day.

Pyramid of food on the Mediterranean diet

For convenience, nutritionists have developed a diet pyramid, which clearly shows which products need to be used daily, and which minimize.

  • The base of the pyramid - products that should be in your menu every day: whole grain bread, pasta, rice, all sorts of cereals, fruits, vegetables, refilled by olive oil, as well as fermented dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, nuts and legumes.
  • The middle part of the power pyramid is the products that are included in the menu from 1 to 6 times a week: seafood, low-fat varieties of cape and fish, eggs, potatoes and sweets.
  • The top of the pyramid is the limited use of the product like a red meat. It can be included in the menu not more than 4 times a month.
  • In order for the diet to bring a visible result, it is recommended to completely abandon products containing preservatives and dyes, food should be healthy and useful.

Mediterranean diet: approximate menu for a week

1st day

  • Breakfast: whole grain flakes, yogurt, apple or fresh juice are suitable as a satisfying and full breakfast.
  • Lunch: For lunch, bake a seabed with vegetables (100 grams), decorate the greens. Lunch can be powered by a glass of red dry wine.
  • Dinner: For dinner, prepare a vegetable salad of fresh vegetables, fastened olive oil (300 grams), eat a couple of slices of cheese, drink green tea.

2nd day

  • Breakfast: dairy porridge with a piece of cheese and green tea.
  • Lunch: Welcome brown rice and prepare tomato salad and boiled egg, fastened olive oil, drink wine glass.
  • Dinner: For dinner, bake 250 g of fish with greens, drink green tea.

3rd day

  • Breakfast: Fruit Fresh Fruit Salad (100 grams), yogurt, kefir or juice.
  • Lunch: Pasta cooked with seafood, vegetable salad, dry wine.
  • Dinner: Cake a non-residential piece of chicken fillet or prepare it for a couple to improve and diversify the taste of dishes, add olives or olives, green tea.

4th day

  • Breakfast: Sandwich with chicken meat with vegetable salad, tea.
  • Lunch: Seafood: a baked squid, a laminary salad and a glass of wine.
  • Dinner: Rice sweep with spicy herbs and drink green tea.

5th day

  • Breakfast: Prepare omelet (2 eggs and tomatoes, greens, olives), herbal tea.
  • Lunch: pasta with cheese, wine.
  • Dinner: Lentil porridge (100 grams) with stewed vegetables, tea.

6th day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk or oatmeal mammary, orange juice, grapefruit or fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with seafood salad, wine glass.
  • Dinner: Fish baked in the oven, as a side dish - fresh vegetables, powered by green tea.

7th day

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with bran bread, tea.
  • Lunch: Salad of vegetables, add greens, oil, garlic, seafood salad, wine.
  • Dinner: Chicken meat in the oven, stew vegetables, tea.

Yogurt, kefir, milk (low-fat), nuts or fruits are suitable as snacks.

Features of cooking dishes in the Mediterranean diet

There are several simple rules, following which, it is necessary to prepare dishes:

  • Fish is prepared on the grill, baked or stewed immediately with vegetables in oil. Also from the fish you can cook soup with bow, tomatoes and zucchini. For fish as a side dish, you can cook rice, make salads.
  • Meat should choose non-fat, preferably chicken, turkey meat. Meat can be baked, stew with vegetables.
  • Give preference to unrefined olive oil.
  • As a challenge to dishes, use fresh greens, garlic, onions.
  • Prepare in small portions that immediately eat in food, dishes are not recommended to warm up.

The first results of the Mediterranean diet can be observed in a week or two. On average, 2-3 extra kilograms takes place. The diet is long, unstructible, useful and very tasty. You can lose weight without harming your health and always be in a great mood.

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Kate 05/10/2020 at 13:12

Most often, simply choosing some particular type of nutrition is not enough. Important additives and physical activity. From additives I can recommend a lipotropic factor from Evalar. I always take it to him, because I trust the quality, and the raw materials are good. I accept courses. Well, of course, I sit on the Mediterranean just .... Your figure is satisfied completely))

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