Japanese diet

Japanese diet

The cult of bodily beauty in our time is gaining its turnover. It is already impossible to recalculate diets aimed at reduced weight and fight extra kilograms. The Japanese diet is characterized by the fact that its main task is to optimize the work of the digestive system, which will allow for a long time to maintain the result obtained.

With the help of a Japanese diet, you can get rid of 7-9 kg and remain in this weight for 2-3 years, provided that the power is properly in the future. The diet happens with the calculation of 7 days - to remove excess fluid from the body and for 13 days - it has found wider use, as it is sent for weight loss. This is due to the low consumption of fats and carbohydrates for a long time.

Naturally, there is a certain list of products that need to be abandoned by these 13 days. It is strictly forbidden to use salt, sugar, flour products, confectionery and alcoholic beverages. In order to prevent the dehydration of the body, it is worth drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

The Japanese diet involves a three-time meal throughout the day. Each reception is strictly argued, it cannot be supplemented, nor change or skip. The second week of the diet repeats the first, but in reverse order. Breakfasts minimized, lunch and dinner are also pretty ascetic, but despite this, "hungry" will not call it.

First and thirteenth day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black natural coffee (it is rich in natural antioxidants);
  • Lunch: Fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil (it is better to take sesame or olive), 2 eggs cooked into a cool, and a glass of tomato juice or tomato;
  • Dinner: Fish (200-250 g), boiled, roasted or pair, cabbage salad with butter.

Second and twelfth day:

  • Breakfast: black coffee and small, not sweet Sukharik;
  • Lunch: Fish and salad of cabbage, radish, tomatoes or cucumbers;
  • Dinner: boiled beef (150-200 g) and a glass of low-fat kefir.

The third and eleventh day:

  • Breakfast: coffee mug.
  • Lunch: one raw egg and three large boiled carrots with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: Apples.

Fourth and tenth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: Parsley root or Pasternak, roasted on olive oil;
  • Dinner: Any fruit, except bananas and grapes - they are too calories.

Fifth and ninth day:

  • Breakfast: raw terrific carrots flavored with lemon juice;
  • Lunch: Fish, you can take a portion more and a glass of tomato juice or tomato;
  • Dinner: Any fruit, except for prohibited.

Sixth and eighth day:

  • Breakfast: Black Coffee
  • Lunch: boiled chicken - 500 g, approximately half of the carcass, without skin and fat, and salad of cabbage or carrot with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 2 "steep" eggs, a raw carrot salad with olive oil and lemon.

Seventh day diet, middle:

  • Breakfast: herbal or ordinary green tea;
  • Lunch: Beef (200 g) and fruits.
  • Dinner: You can choose any dinner from the previous six days.

From the very first day, tune up on the strict observance of the menu - and then the result will not wait long for a long time. After the end of the Japanese diet, it is very gently inserted into the diet of the prohibited products, this will serve as a guarantee that the weight does not type again.

It is worth paying attention to a large number of black coffee, which appears in the diet menu. It may have its own contraindications. Also, in a two-week diet, the scarce amount of vitamins and minerals, so it is desirable during the dietary nutrition to take a vitamin complex.

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