Brazilian diet

Brazilian diet

This diet has received its name due to the fact that the Brazilian stars of the film industry began to actively resort to this method of rapid slimming shortly before the start of the next filming, which, in turn, caused the interest of a broader public. And its effectiveness provided recognition and popularity, despite the fact that it is rather tough. It is manifested by the severity of it in a clearly painted daily menu, which to achieve the desired results it is required to observe strictly. But the effect will not wait in this case.

It should be said that, depending on the duration, this diet is divided into several species: for a week, for two and a month. Products in them may differ, but there are also general rules, the non-compliance with which will not have every effort. In particular, products contributing to the excitation of appetite are excluded, that is, you need to forget about spices and food acute for a while. Also limit the consumption of legumes, and a day when they provide for the menu, give up bread. Eat more different greenery, but about Sahara, on the contrary, forget. You will need to drink coffee without milk. And the most important principle of the Brazilian diet is as follows: eat no less, and more often. And do not forget that from the last meal until at least three hours should pass until the moment of sleep. Forget about the night campaigns to the refrigerator, self-deception you do not need.

Products on which a two-week diet is based are meat, eggs, vegetables and fish. In particular, due to the predominant protein content and restrictions of carbohydrate receipts, burning fat stocks is stimulated. And the use of natural coffee speeds up the exchange processes. The protein is necessary for eliminating the combustion of mass muscle, the entire focus is on the decay and the excretion of fats. So, what do you have to eat during this diet. The first two days your diet will be at breakfast, lunch and dinner on one chicken boiled egg and apple, preferably green, plus a cup of coffee in the morning and during the day water without restrictions. These are the most difficult days, it will be easier for you.

On the third day you need to eat two eggs in the morning, about a hundred grams of boiled beef and spinach, and in the evening - one egg and again spinach. During breakfast, on the fourth day, we only dwell the egg, the day of grams of a hundred boiled fish and tomato fish, in the evening - a couple of eggs and drink a cup of coffee. The morning of the fifth day start from the same fragrant drink and eggs, eat a tomato at dinner and a piece of boiled fish, and on dinner, make a salad vegetable (you can only fill in vinegar) and fry the fish on the oil in vegetable. Sixth day diet meter a cup of coffee, egg. In the afternoon, we burn boiled beef, fresh cucumber, drink a portion of the invigorating drink (of course, coffee), and on dinner drink, repeat the same as lunch, meat, just increase the portion to two hundred grams.

Beef and cucumber

Start the seventh day of your transformation from a cup of coffee and eggs, you can afford the chicken with boiled, cucumber and tomato on dinner, the evening meal should consist of a hundred grams of chicken fillet, again tomato and cucumber, add an apple and enjoy the taste of coffee. Before bed, you can congratulate yourself with the fact that we passed exactly half the path to the target target. The menu of the second week of the Brazilian diet completely repeats the first day. It passes it is usually much easier because the body is already adapted to an unusual diet for the hostess and the volume of products consumed. It is this kind of Brazilian diet that is the most rigid, but also most effective. Well, in those moments, when the Handra is attached to you and a desire to strive to rush to the nearest pastry shop or pizzeria, just close your eyes and imagine how you smile, looking at your reflection in the mirror after the completion of these two weeks, and about admiring glances Men think will not be superfluous.

Chicken breast

Do not forget that this diet is not a long power supply system, this is a method of losing a few kilograms for a rather short period, no more. It is contraindicated with a suffering urolithiasis and those who have allergies on egg whites. She does not suit people prone to depression.

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