Vegetable diet

Vegetable diet

What could be more useful of vegetables? In the process of slimming, a vegetable diet takes not the last place. It is due to the combination of the product and the method of its preparation you can not only lose weight, but also saturate the body with vitamins that often love. If you learn how to make vegetables correctly, they may well replace meat and sweets.

Nutritionists recommend combining a vegetable diet with protein use. It is strictly forbidden to add products to the diet with a high content of sugar and starch. Exclude from the power:

  • apricot, grapes, banana, beetle and carrots (sweet grades);
  • puffy and sweets;
  • cereals;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • potatoes with an excess of starch (or pushed before cooking).

Despite the fact that from the diet to you have to Exclude almost all favorite products, do not despair. After the completion of the diet, you will be able to gradually return to the use of familiar products, subject to proper cooking.


Make an emphasis on such components, preferably seasonal, and not from the supermarket, but from the rows of the market of agricultural organic products:

  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplants;
  • zucchini;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes.

If You decide to add vegetable diet proteins, then acceptable to use in preparation dishes Mushrooms, fish, bird, beef meat. Further We offer several power plans, a vegetable diet and with the addition of proteins.

The first nutrition plan is designed for a five-day course:

  1. First day limit Vegetables cooked in a double boiler, two slices black Bread and tomato juice within two liters.
  2. Second / third day breakfast green tea without sugar and toaste with creamy oil. For lunch, prepare chicken broth, boiled breast with beans and sliced dark of bread. Dine no later than 18.00 by two boiled eggs, degreased cottage cheese and tea without sugar.
  3. Fourth And the fifth day, breakfast by allowed fruit and degreased cottage cheese, not more than 150 grams. Bunch with vegetable soup and eat Small citrus. Include in dinner vegetable salad on olive refueling and small slice of bread.

If You decided to stop exclusively on a vegetable diet, you need a total of about one and a half kilograms of vegetables per day, in several receptions. If you have the opportunity to buy products "from bed", then order them once a few days. The best time for such a diet is a summer-autumn period. Duration Vegetable nutrition can last from week to month, it is already determined by your state and adaptation of appetite. Weight loss is about 6 kg. You can use all seasonal vegetables.

Focus on food both fresh vegetables and on baked. It does not exclude the possibility of cooking for a couple or extinguishing. Refueling eggplant spices and propecken Fully competing a piece of meat. Make a balanced ration, that is, you can graze vegetables on a large terek. And to fill with lemon juice, and for lunch to make a soup and knock mushrooms. For dinner, give preference to boiled and steam vegetables, filled with vegetable oil.

Remember that with a vegetable diet you can eat both pickled or fresh products and cooked by thermal processing. Pleasant appetite, good mood and healthy body, no extra kilograms!

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