Diet with psoriase

Diet with psoriase

Psoriasis is a rather unpleasant disease, and the treatment process is long and difficult. But besides the course of treatment, you should not forget that the mental state of the patient has a great influence on the course of the disease, his mood, sickness of the disease, food consumed. This ailment provokes the imbalance of metabolism, weakens immunity, disrupts the oxidative processes in the body. Let's try to figure out how not to harm yourself, sending food in the mouth?

The diet of the patient with psoriasis largely forms the severity of the disease and the severity of symptoms. From the products selected for food will be directly dependent on the treatment. We suggest to consider in the material a scheme distinguishing useful / harmful. Its compliance, of course, does not heal from the ailment, but will help prevent aggravation and complications of this disease.

Correct your diet at psoriasis

In order to form his diet correctly and competently to avoid exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary to know first of all, which is permissible in the diet for patients with psoriasis, and what is not.


  • saturated fatty acids. Simply put, vegetable oils. This product should be allocated a special place in its diet, since they not only contribute to the creation of substances in the body of substances governing biological processes (which is important in psoriasis), but also have an excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effect, positively affect the regeneration of the skin and strengthen the walls of the vessels ;
  • cellulose. People, sick psoriasis, as nobody should support the purification function of the liver and follow the regular empty of the intestine. In the diet, be sure to include products containing fiber in significant quantities (Eat more vegetable salads, fired by vegetable oil);
  • vitamins. For people suffering from psoriasis, it is important to saturate your body with vitamins involved in the renewal of skin and nails that strengthen vessel walls, etc. Take care that in your diet there is a sufficient number of group vitamins in (beef liver, cereals, etc.). Do not forget also about other groups of vitamins. For example, Vitamin O - stimulates the normal development of the upper layer of the epidermis (fish products). Vitamin C - serves to strengthen immunity;
  • zinc - an important tool for producing a protein, healing wounds, it increases the level of immunity. Therefore, ensure a sufficient amount of zinc to your body;
  • calcium - has a powerful anti-allergy effect, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Official products should always be present on your table.


  • cleaning the body is a "provocateur" for your body. Do not risk;
  • fasting - the situation is the same as in the first version;
  • alcohol - causes sharp exacerbations of the disease;
  • citrus;
  • products with a significant content of red pigment (tomatoes, strawberries, pepper, etc.);
  • sharp dishes, spices;
  • seafood (crabs, lobster, shrimp);
  • strong broths.

Meet "Friendly" products in Psoriasis

The nutritionists of the whole world, no first year recommend people suffering from psoriasis, clearly distinguish between the products consumed on "alkaline" and "acid-forming". Interest ratio observe strictly: 70/30.
To the "alkaline-forming" products include:

  • Fruits and berries. An alkaline medium in the stomach can create almost all berries and fruits, even the "champions" in the content of acid. The exception is 5 berries: blueberries, cranberries, plum, currant, prunes.
  • Vegetables. Almost all vegetables stimulate an increase in the level of an alkaline medium, so try to consume them in the maximum possible amount. However, not all vegetables are so "friendly". Rhubarb, Brussels Cabbage, all types of legumes and pumpkins must be present in the menu in small quantities. But the vegetables of the Parenic family are completely removed from their diet (potatoes, eggplant, pepper, etc.).

To the "acid-forming" products include:

  • Meat (beef, pork).
  • Cheese.
  • Cereals.
  • Sugar.

The above categories of products contain in a significant number of starch, sugar, fats, so in large quantities they can adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Useful Tips for Psoriasis

Finally, I would like to give a few simple and effective advice that will be aware of your anti-charts:

  • try to drink at least one liter of purified water every day (can be mineral). Erip the habit of constantly carrying a small bottle of water to always be able to drink;
  • try to use more vegetables in fresh / stew;
  • several times a week prepare boiled / cooked fish (sea);
  • refuse artificial seasonings in favor of fresh greenery;
  • since the beef and pork is undesirable to consume, then you can pamper yourself in no less pleasant options - chicken, lamb, turkey;
  • love cereals in the form of various porridge (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), rice, corn.

In this material, we schematically reviewed the highlights that need to know when making a menu for people suffering from psoriasis. Fit right, take care of yourself and be healthy!

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