Diet with varicose veins

Diet with varicose veins

An important assistant in the fight against varicose veins will be a diet. Varicose veins are not always accompanied, but very often accompanied by overweight, so you first need to try to lose weight and generally stick to the right nutrition. The diet that we recommend will help and with specific vessel problems - will strengthen the walls of the vessels, will strengthen their elasticity, will contribute to the discharge of blood.

What to avoid

Try to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • Sweet, flour and baking. Such food contributes to the occurrence of excess weight and additional vessels on the vessels.
  • Butter, sour cream, margarine, marinades, smoked food, meat broths limit: "heavy" food increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the occurrence of swelling.
  • Coffee should be limited to two cups per day.
  • Alcohol, including low alcohol drinks and beer. Alcohol delays water in the body and increases the load on the vessels.

Useful substances in varicose

The main drugs are not pharmacy ointments, but a change in lifestyle and nutrition. We present a list of substances that will be useful not only for diseases of the vessels, but in general, the body will generally be strengthened:

  • Proteins. The most powerful sources of protein are fish and seafood. They will help get rid of excess weight and raise the body with many essential substances. Also consumption of seafood strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C prevents the formation of blood clots. The main sources of this vitamin - a variety of fruits, such as strawberries, apples, citrus.
  • Vitamin P (Rutin) has a pronounced anti-uniform effect. Most of the routine is contained in chestnuts, sea buckthorn, citrus, rosehip, black currant and wood nut. Rutin and vitamin C are especially productive in a pair.

Stress stress

The most "healthy" products

Observe the recommendations, but do not get carried away - everything is good in moderation. In the diet every day or in a day, turn on:

  • Buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat is an absolute record holder for the maintenance of the routine. It will also contribute to a decrease in body weight.
  • Sea cabbage. It will saturate the body with copper and iodine. Also in sea cabbage contains flavonoids that contribute to healing and strengthening vessels.
  • Salad latobe, in raw form.
  • Tomatoes. Best of all raw or in a soup (without roasting). Do not eat marinated, sauer, salt tomatoes.
  • White, cauliflower or broccoli - raw, stewed, sauer or boiled.
  • Lemons - at least 1 per day.
  • Rosehip in the form of tea. It prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Walnuts. Eat at least 3-4 nuts every day. Young walnuts prevent stretching and cracking blood vessels.
  • Green tea - up to 1 l per day, best with lemon.
  • Mokey rowan. Juice from rowan berries reduces vessel permeability. Other berries are also useful - black currant, raspberry and grapes.

Juice diet

The Indian doctor Bahra advises sick varicose veins to observe a fruit or juice diet during the week, and then gradually move to balanced nutrition from nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables. Fruit and floors are desirable to arrange every month, two or three days in a row. If the varicose veins is accompanied by thrombophlebitis, the doctor advises to include in food as much blueberries, sea buckthorn, figs, cranberries. Elderly, believes Bahra, as part of food will be very useful nettle.

In addition to compliance with the diet, special exercises for legs will help you, and you will also need a consultation of a phlebologist.

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