Chocolate diet

Chocolate diet

In tempting sounds, isn't it? In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems. And hope that you will have some chocolates and lose weight, not worth it. Chocolate diet is a large stress for the body and is allowed only to those who have no health problems. This diet, indeed, will help you quickly lose from 2 to 7 kg, depending on the rate of metabolism. But this does not mean that, upon completion, you must fry the potatoes with the lard. So, if you are ready for a very strict nutritional restriction for 5-7 days and confident that you can continue to maintain the achieved result, let's get acquainted with the details.

As for chocolate, it can be white, milk, but the best result gives bitter, black chocolate. Preferably without various additives in the form of nuts, raisins, kuragi.

Together with Sweet, you will need to drink a cup of natural, unsweetened coffee. If desired, you can add non-fat cream or milk.

The number of food meals per day can and need to be divided by 2-3 or 4 times.

The amount of chocolate eaten per day must be no more than a hundred grams. Usually one tile weighs within 200-250 grams, that is, it is necessary to divide it for 2-3 days.

It is very important between meals drinking a lot of fluid. The optimal will be 2.5-3 liters of water. This will help to clean the body and accelerate the metabolism.

Your approximate diet should include:

  • 80-100 grams of any chocolate.
  • Coffee (one cup, one meal).
  • And, of course, water. Many non-carbonated, clean, mineral water.
  • Alcohol strictly exclude.

As already mentioned at the beginning, the exit from the diet should be smooth. Add oatmeal or rice porridge to the diet, vegetables, fruits, a bit of low-fat meat. The body during this time is the scan of oily food and will not be able to fully digest it, which will certainly lead to disorder of digestion.

The diet is contraindicated to people with allergies, diabetes, liver diseases, gallbladder, with stones in the kidneys or bile ducts, arterial hypertension. In case of overwork, dizziness must complete the diet before, but also smoothly.

If you liked the result, and you want to re-hold such a diet, you can do this no earlier than in a month, or even a half. Since stress for the body will be very large and need time for full recovery.

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