How to get rid of veins of veins on the legs

How to get rid of veins of veins on the legs

Varicosis is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious medical problem, because we are talking about a violation of the blood supply to the whole organism. The main complications of the disease are thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. Also, often varicose varicose mechanism becomes a starting mechanism for the development of diseases such as arthritis and arthritis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis. That is why treatment needs to begin as early as possible.


Varicose varicose is inherited, but not the wrong itself, but only a predisposition to it. Therefore, compliance with the right lifestyle can be significantly slowed down, or even to prevent the development of the disease.

How to behave in the presence of varicose or predisposition to it:

  1. Eat as much fish as possible, seafood, forest nuts, black rowan, sea buckthorn, apples, blueberries, figs and lemon. All these products contribute to an increase in the elasticity of the vessels walls and a decrease in blood viscosity.
  2. Significantly limit the use of oily, sharp or salty dishes, as well as flour and sweet.
  3. Do not wear cramped clothes. Even the waist-transmitted with narrow jeans contributes to the appearance of varicose veins.
  4. Get rid of the habit of sitting down leg. Install a small bench or a special footrest if you spend a lot of time at the desktop.
  5. Refuse to visit baths and saunas, making hot baths. But the pool and the contrasting shower will be very by the way.
  6. Do not wear shoes at too high heels, maximum - 4-5 cm.
  7. Support the optimal body weight.

Physical activity

It is the icy muscle that performs the role of an additional pump for pushing blood from the lower extremities. With static poses, this mechanism is not involved, and as a result, varicose veins occurs. Change the body position more often. No opportunity to get up because of the table? Make the flocks of the foot from the sock on the heel. Standing work? Then just step up from foot to foot. Walking is a great assistant in combating varicose veins. But running and jumping are allowed only at the initial stages. About powerful classes and lifting weights will also have to forget.

Medicate funds

For the treatment of varicose varicoses, various ointments, gels and infusions for external use of both industrial production are widely used for outdoor use of traditional medicine. Such funds are intended for use at the initial stage of the disease and help remove the edema, remove the feeling of fatigue and slow down the development of the ailment at the subsequent stages. However, for a tangible effect, they need to be applied for a very long time. A good result gives the simultaneous use of external ointments and vetonic. These drugs increase the elasticity of the vessels and the tone of the muscles of their walls. Consider such ventilations should be appointed only by a doctor!

Compression therapy

In the later stages of Varicozes, Phlebologists advise you to rewind legs with an elastic bandage or wearing a compression knitwear. Both of these methods maintain the walls of the vessels, help them restore and do not give disease progress. The advantage of a compression knitwear is that its use does not require special skills, and externally, it does not differ from ordinary tights or stockings. In addition, such special underwear can be worn and for prevention purposes, it is especially important during pregnancy.

Surgical methods

The above methods can be stopped by the development of the disease, but to get rid of the external manifestations of varicose veins, such as vascular mesh or protruding veins, is almost impossible. In this case, only surgical intervention can help:

  • endovascal laser coagulation;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • phlebectomy.

To choose the optimal method is only phlebotics after obtaining the results of the patient's vessels.

You can get rid of the veins of veins on the legs only under the sensitive leadership of a specialist, combining all of the above methods.

Comments leave a comment
Maria 09/29/2015 at 23:46.

It is a pity that our doctors have no time to give such detailed recommendations. Just give a recipe on the ventonik, at best it is phlebodia 600, but in most cases - Detralex, and believe that this recipe is quite enough.

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Anna 10/29/2015 at 21:13

We generally offer Venarar, Detralex or Phlebodia. As you want, so choose. And what considerations to be guided - it is not clear.

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Darya 10/29/2015 at 22:28

Well, it is still okay when normal drugs are prescribed. We are all treated by Troksevazin, one horror. Drink three tablets per day, no effect, only ruin. If we were prescribed phlebodia, I would even respect the doctors.

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Tariel 02/11/2015 at 15:24

Ladies and gentlemen!
I heal my close relatives, naturally, free of charge from this ailment for 2-3 weeks is very simple, absolutely painless way. I'm not a medic. Chemist organic.
My method of treating varicose veins is as follows: I synthesized a concentrated extract from 6-alternating herbs and leaves. Mode of application. First, with the help of finger tips, we rub the extract in the affected places on the legs. Then we take a mesaroller with a needle length of 0.5 mm. And ride on the skin about 1 min. These microes on the roller of the mesarolera pierce the skin, the microchannels resulting to be dedicated to the penetration of the extract through the skin. After the procedure with the mesaroller, once again lubricate the skin with extract and after 10-20 minutes. Making a point massage. Already the first time, the next day you will see that varicose rooms have become two times thin. After 2-3 weeks from the varicoses of traces will not remain. Only there is one but!. You know, varicose veins are divided into four stages: 1-Stage-initial, that is, in several places; The 2nd slightly worse, 3 and 4 stages of a loose form covering the whole leg with large thrombami. I have not had patients yet, i.e. Relatives I healed, with 34 stages. Therefore, at the expense of the 3rd stages, I do not undertake, I simply did not meet, but 1 of the varicose stage exactly disappear.

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Kira 03/12/2015 at 9:56.

Also heard that acupuncture helps well. But for him, this money takes such money that a simple mortal is not affordable. I am on Phlebodia twice a year some and a half thousand scratch, if she was more expensive, could not be treated at all. I was looking for a medicine cheaper, I did not find anything at all, everything that more or less helps is much more.

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Maria 04/12/2015 at 21:12.

Also tried to find the drug of the same quality, but cheaper. Useless. For the month of treatment, phlebodia will give 800r., And for other medicines - from 1000 and more. Even Venarar, although an analog drug, and it turns out more expensive - in the most cheap pharmacy for it, 950r. Required. And this is despite the fact that its quality at all is not going to check.

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Anna 27/12/2015 at 0:23

Personally, I do not understand, and such an effectiveness of phlebodia can be explained. I can not believe that one tablet per day, and not the most expensive medicine, can give some results. I am treated by Detralex, at least everyone already knows it.

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Inna 16/01/2016 at 14:17

I took Dethalex, thought if more expensive, it would help better. Nonsense. It also drank his week until the pain was descended, and two pills, and not one. And his course is the same - two months minimum. Phlebodia is not inferior.

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    Nastya 01/17/2016 at 14:12

    All the same, it is strange that phlebodia is even cheaper than our Venarar, although it is considered an analog drug. How can it be in principle?

    To answer
Masha 08/08/2016 at 23:01

With varicose veins by the end of the day, the legs are very hurt, I know. I helps to remove the feeling of gravity in the foot plate. I know this drug since the times of my pregnancy, then they got rid of them from edema. I am very pleased with them.

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