Vienna got out on the leg what to do

Vienna got out on the leg what to do

If Vienna spoke on his leg, this is a symptom of a serious illness, namely varicose. Such an external feature means that in your body there is a circulatory disorder, therefore it is not necessary to treat the problem that has arisen frivolously. Visit the fluballogue, because the launched varicose veins is difficult to heal, in some cases there are fatal outcomes. German is striking men and women. Most often, the disease is inherited. Let's find out how to deal with this pathology.

Lifestyle recommendations

Of course, uncertain when the veins are visible on the legs, so it is not enough that the disease appears externally, and pain, a feeling of gravity, and a convulsion worried at night. In order not to endure all this, start following Recommendations:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to completely change the composition of the products consumed. Fit low-fat fish, meat, add to the diet sea buckthorn, fig, rowan, blueberries, lemon, seafood, forest nuts. Thanks to them, you have a blood viscosity, and the walls of the vessels will get elasticity.
  2. Do not consume sweets and flour products, give up fat, salt, acute food.
  3. Get rid of shoes, heels with above six centimeters.
  4. Close clothes that strongly transmitting the waist, legs, you are contraindicated.
  5. It is undesirable to bathe in the baths, swim in hot water.
  6. If you take the sitting position, then do not put one leg on the other, thereby disrupting the bloodstream.
  7. Observe the light diet - it is not recommended to gain weight for you.

Compression knitwear

At the initial stage of varicose vectors, phlebologists can appoint a wearing a compression knitwear. To maintain the weak vessel walls, golf or tights are most often used. This method is effective when defeated by the disease of the primary veins. Even in the complex with wearing knitwear, ointments and ventilation are used. Ointment remove the fatigue of the legs and remove the swelling. Angioprotectors improve the state of the vessels themselves.

Operational method of dealing with the disease

If the veins hurt, then without surgery can not do. There are several methods of operational intervention.

  • phlebectomy;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • laser coogulation;
  • ozone therapy.

What kind of method suits you - will install the attending physician. Do not be afraid of the operation, competent experts perfectly cope with this business. After such treatment, your legs will look perfectly, there will be no trace from the transmission intervention.

Home Treatment Methods

The recipes have long been known, with the help of which you can alleviate pathology, and sometimes get rid of it.

Oil with garlic

Take the head of garlic and grind, mix with creamy oil. Mix the mixture on the veins, cover top with polyethylene, then take the legs with a scarf. So sleep all night. In the morning, wash the ointment with warm water.

Chestnut tincture

Take four chestnuts, pour vodka (500 grams), leave in a dark room for 10 days. Take up once a day. After time, resolute. Then apply a month inward 10-12 drops before the meal. Two weeks break - and repeat the course, only six drops.


Infusion from this home plant is used for rubbing legs. Prepare it easy. Fill the half-liter jar on half leaves. While thoroughly rinse the leaflets. Then pour strong alcohol (60-70%). Leave for a half months to incande. When it is ready to tincture, once a day rub the veins on my legs before bedtime.

As you can see, cure varicose veins today is not a problem. The main thing: go on time to the reception to the phlebologist and do not wait for the further development of the aless.

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Diana 08/19/2016 at 16:08

Well still thrombocide helps. I used this gel. Sometimes dressed compression stockings. Putting veins have become less noticeable.

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