Why legs legs

Why legs legs

Who did not have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as convulsions in the ion muscles? Currently, this problem is disturbing people of different age categories - very young and old age, future mothers and children, women and men. Causes manifest themselves mostly at night or during falling asleep.

Causes cause strong voltage and involuntary muscle contraction, everything is accompanied by pain, sometimes very strong appearing suddenly. The attack lasts a few seconds, but sometimes it can last up to 10 minutes. From severe pain, a person wakes up and after graduation a long time can feel pain. In many cases, the calf muscle is reduced, the fingers and foot.

There are many reasons for the appearance of convulsions - from simple irregular nutrition to very severe ailments, threatening life.

The occurrence of pain in the ion muscles contributes:

  • frequent physically loads (swimming, football, continuous walking, etc.);
  • insufficient number of group vitamins in;
  • the presence is below magnesium, calcium, potassium, blood glucose;
  • the pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • unsatisfactory kidney work;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • neurological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • heat;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • medicinal poisoning;
  • dehydration and violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • atherosclerosis and many others.

At a young age, leading an incorrect lifestyle, a person fails in the human body:

  • Pressure pressure from constant stress.
  • The symptoms of varicose veins from the socks of shoes in high heels are manifested.
  • Improper nutrition affects the state of the digestive tract, the violation of good suction of nutrients from the digestion organs into the blood.
  • Self-treatment of infectious diseases, angina, ORZ.

If these symptoms are found simultaneously with the information of the ICR of the legs, the cause of muscle contractions is the deficit of magnesium.

Often, in the period of rapid growth in children, cramps are manifested, usually occur at night, after sudden spasms they have crying, anxiety, fear.

Causes that cause cramps from kids:

  • Frequent preservation of legs;
  • Insufficient number in the body of trace elements;
  • Flatfoot.

During the cramps, the spasm is slightly slightly. Pull the leg sock slightly towards the body, then loosen the leg and pull again to yourself. If after that you will not feel relief, stand up and go to your feet, it will accelerate blood flow. Pass the muscle affected by spasm, or stole a pin. After time, the cramp will release, only now you need to lie down to change the influx of blood.

If these symptom appears, pay more attention to nutrition. Change your diet, add a significant amount of products with magnesium content (greens, marine cabbage, carrots, legumes, nuts), potassium (drill, melon, bananas), calcium (dairy products), vitamins included in the group in (red fish). Suit on sports, sleep at least 8 hours a day, walk in the fresh air to any weather - and you will overcome about such unpleasant symptoms.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 04/06/2019 at 15:43.

My legs reduced after training. The coach said that this is due to magnesium deficiency and recommended to take magnesium diasporal. And soon everything went. I even noticed that I had insomnia

Olga 14/11/2019 at 18:41

And I don't want to remember how much I have grown from cramps in my feet, hoped that everything would pass. Well, yes, how will it pass if the body suffers from the lack of vitamins and minerals? Well, guessed the tests to pass and learn about the sad indicators. With recovery helped magnesium chelate Evalar, vegetable vitamins and herbal teas. The convulsions were also fastened as a whole.


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