Internal varicose veins - symptoms and treatment

Internal varicose veins - symptoms and treatment

Internal varicose veins - a disease that is subject to about 40% of the planets over 30 years old. If you do not take the necessary therapeutic measures, over time, serious complications may arise, such as dermatitis, the formation of thrombus, the occurrence of venous gangrene. Fortunately, the internal varicose veins is well treatable.

Symptomatics Varicosis of deep veins

For a long time, internal varicose veins is in a hidden form. The following symptoms should not be ignored:

  • Feet quickly get tired and swell while walking or long standing.
  • By evening, heavits heaviness, pain in the legs.
  • During sleep, judges of the limbs may appear.
  • The venous mesh swell slightly with intensive loads.
  • Venenous meshes occur, which over time increase in size.
  • Wounds on the legs do not heal for a long time.
  • In the early stages of the internal varicose veins, the skin becomes dry, then pigmentation occurs, after which dermatitis, eczema, ulcer can develop.


Treatment of internal veins of veins

To prevent complications, improve blood circulation in the veins, strengthen their walls, the following methods of treatment are applied:

  • Sclerotherapy. This method is painless and does not provide for operational intervention. The syringe with a thin needle patient introduces injections with a special preparation. Already after a single procedure, a positive effect is noted. It is worth noting that this effect is preserved for a long time, but not forever.
  • Compression therapy. Its principle is based on the creation of pressure on veins, which allows you to stop the further development of varicose disease. Usually this method is used in the early stages of the disease. Pressure is created using manual control devices, elastic bandages, special socks and stockings.
  • Application of medicines. This therapy is appointed by a doctor, depending on the varicose stage. The complex reception of vitamins, preparations that strengthen the walls of vessels, and the use of oceans for external use are recommended.
  • Phlebectomy. Surgical intervention is performed using tools or laser, which is intended to normalize blood circulation and prevent complications. During operation, veins are removed, the bloodstream in which is very slow down. Usually, this method is resorted to late stages of the disease, when another treatment is not effective.

People's methods for the treatment of internal varicose

There are folk recipes to combat actions:

  • In equal amounts, mix the sea buckthorn oil, olive and aloe juice. This solution must be rubbed 1-2 times a day.
  • Mint is well chopped and pour boiling water so that the water barely covered the leaves. Give it in half an hour, then cool down in the refrigerator. In the resulting Nasty, soak gauze and impose on problem areas. The duration of such a procedure is 1 hour.
  • Olive oil is a bit warm and add a lemon zest for several minutes. Then press lemon juice into the oil. The mixture daily rub into the skin before bedtime.
  • Herb of nettle, dryers and tattar shredding and mix in equal amounts. Fill 45 grams of herbal harvest with boiling water and let it brew about two hours. After the infusion cools, straighten it and take it 2 times a day in half a cup before eating.

To achieve positive dynamics and termination of the development of internal varicose veins, a comprehensive treatment must be taken, which can be appointed by a phlebologist.

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Irina 20/07/2016 at 15:27

Now there are many special creams and gels from varicose veins. I also use a thrombocymod. He takes away the severity in his legs, removes swelling. I also go to the pool regularly. All this helps to keep the condition of the legs in the norm and the beach is not ashamed to walk now.

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