Vague varicose veins

Vague varicose veins

Vagina varicose veins is one of the manifestations of a more extensive pathological process, called the varicose veins of a small pelvis. The clinical picture of the disease is "blurred" and manifests itself the most bright during pregnancy. Learn more about what varicose veins of the vagina, why it occurs, as manifests itself and how it is treated - in our article.

Why varicose vaginal occurs

Most often causes the expansion of the veins of a small pelvis, including the vagina, are the changes that the female organism undergoes during pregnancy: the surgicress of veins in an increased uterus, hormonal shifts, a tendency to swelling, weight gain. In addition, Vagina varicose can be the cause of constant significant physical exertion or vice versa - sedentary work. Such pathology can develop after numerous or complex genera, chronic inflammatory or oncological diseases of the small pelvis organs. Of course, there are a large risk of detecting varicose veins of genitals in women who already have such a disease, but with the other localization (for example, on the legs).


Pain syndrome with varicose vaginal

One of the main manifestations of such vascular pathology in the vagina area is the pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Most often, the total, increasing after long static (standing on the legs, seat) or dynamic (walking, physical stresses) of loads, giving in groin or lower back. Also, pain can grow in the second half of the cycle or during the "activation" of inflammation of the genital organs. There are no physiological factors with "provocateurs" - stress, supercooling, overwork.

Disparaging as a symptom of vaginal varicose

Varicose change in the vagina is reflected on the quality of sexual intercourse. Therefore, women with the presence of such pathology are noted by such a symptom as dispensing, that is, the feelings of discomfort or even pain in sex. Moreover, such unpleasant sensations may occur not only during the process itself, but also before or after it.

Symptoms 1.

Violations of urination and menstrual cycle

The main symptoms of the vaginal varicose varicose are also dysuria (urination disorders), and dysmenorrhea (severe pain during menstruation). Also, often women with such a manifestation of varicose veins complain that the premenstrual syndrome manifests itself very pronounced, there are rather abundant allocations from the genital tract.

Symptoms 2.

Vagina varicose veins during pregnancy

Most often, the manifestation of the pathology of the vessels with such localization is found precisely during the toddler waiting. And besides the fact that they can give the future mom's discomfort and the discomfort already described above, varicose changes constitute a certain risk in relation to the flow of labor. And more precisely, the risk of breaking during the passage of the kid by the generic paths of the mother. Therefore, the doctor's observations in such a diagnosis must, and in some cases it may even be recommended to the cesarean section. It is noteworthy that in most cases, after genera, the vagina varicose varicose "leaves" or goes into a compensated form.

Diagnostics Vagina varicose

The very first and most simple method for identifying varicose vessels of the vaginal vessels is a manual gynecological examination. To confirm the diagnosis or the establishment of the severity of pathology, the doctor can send for additional research methods: ultrasound, doppler, phlebography, computer or magnetic resonance tomography. If necessary, laparoscopy can be assigned. All these methods help to exclude others like the symptoms of the disease, and appoint really proper treatment.


Treatment of vaginal varicose

The special localization of the pathological process causes some nuances in the treatment of vaginal varicose varicose. Thus, special gymnastic exercises in this case are recommended to be combined with vetonics and oral antiagregants, since the outer forms of such drugs are not used here. It is also desirable to review your diet in favor of light and full-fledged food, and lifestyle - in favor of active pastime (but without excessive loads). Hormonal drugs can be administered to the normalization of hormonal shifts, and in particularly complex cases - surgical treatment (embolization, clipping).

Vagina varicose veins is a disease that is impossible to cure once today and forever. However, subject to certain rules, including in relation to treatment, and regular observation of a doctor, the quality of life with such pathology can be significantly improved.

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