Treatment of varicose veins by folk remedies

Treatment of varicose veins by folk remedies

Official medicine does not confirm, but does not refute the useful effects of folk remedies in varicose veins. However, many patients talk about improvements after using some plants. We present you the most effective funds in the fight against varicose veins.

Konsky chestnut

One of the most useful means is the usual horse chestnut, which is often found in our cities. The horse chestnut reduces the permeability of capillaries, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the current of venous blood. Use chestnuts collected outside the city, far from the busy highway.

Recipes of traditional medicine

In pharmacies you will find many drugs based on horse chestnut, but more effective will be the "home" preparing tincture:

  • 20-30 drops of fresh juice of horse chestnut flowers Mix with 1 tbsp. spoonful water. Take 2 times a day. This tool effectively dilute venous blood and eliminates stagnation.
  • 50 g of fruit skins Grind in a coffee grinder to pieces up to 0.5 mm, fill 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 2 weeks, do not forget to shake daily. Perfect. The first week of admission: 30 drops of tincture on 30 ml of water half an hour before eating 3 times a day. Then go to the four-time reception of the tincture. Depending on the state, take the tincture from one to one and a half months.
    To achieve a speedy effect, parallel rubbing or compresses on sore area will help. Lock the tincture neatly, without push, 3-3 times a day, or mix it with water in a 1 to 1 ratio and make morning and evening compresses on one and a half or two hours. The tincture will reduce blood viscosity and pressure, strengthens the vessels, increase elasticity, ease pain.
  • The fruits of horse chestnut, cut into 4 parts, pour into the bank. Follow the bank with vodka. Plug, 3 days to withstand in the sun, and then another month and a half in the dark at room temperature. Apply a row with tincture on patients area. This tool will reduce pain and strengthen the vessels.
  • 5 fruits or 5 tablespoons of chestnut flowers grind, fill 0.5 liter of vegetable oil and boil 1 hour on a water bath. Cool, strain through fine sieve or gauze. The resulting ointment process patients 2-3 times a day. Ointment contributes to the restoration of vessel performance, relieves inflammation, effectively struggling with veins diseases.

Contraindications for internal use

Before starting the treatment with horse chestnut, consult with your doctor. Konsky chestnut is contraindicated in atonic constipation, a failure of a menstrual cycle, hypertension and gastritis.

Hop ordinary

Crowded a tablespoon of hop cones, pour boiling water with a glass, put for 15 minutes on a water bath. Repected decoction. Drink a cup of chilled brazing a few minutes to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Prepare a fresh portion each time.

Apples Variety "Antonovka"

One portion includes three apples on liter boiling water. Fill apples with boiling water, insist in warmth three hours. Then grind apples together with infusion. Drink in the morning, getting out of bed, and in the evening before bedtime, a quarter of a cup, swaying with honey. Infusion of apples is well cleaning blood, restores the blood-forming functions of the body. Another good tool is apple vinegar. Every day, rub the veins with vinegar, as well as drink a teaspoon of vinegar, mixing it with a glass of water. Repeat within a month.

Green tomatoes

Folk healers recommend this means for veins, which appeared hardening. Cut tomatoes on the circles, attach to the veins at night. Fix with elastic bandages. Use for six months.

Using the means of traditional medicine, do not forget to consult and with representatives of medicine official. They control blood condition and exclude the defeat of the internal veins, requiring operational intervention.


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