Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

Heel spur - the growth of bone tissue in the foot area. At the same time, the patient feels acute pain when walking. He associates this pain with a nail, or as if someone drove into the heel. At the initial stage, it is possible to treat the heel spop by folk methods, in this article we will tell you how to do it.


For a start, try to figure out the causes of spurs. To do this, analyze your lifestyle and health status. In 90% of cases, spurs arise due to flatopy with uneven distribution of weight on the foot. Excess body weight also contributes to the emergence of problems with legs. That is why it is desirable until the advent of the disease acquire orthopedic shoes or special insoles. They will help evenly distribute the weight on the foot.

Treatment of Spur People's Methods

Consider folk remedies that help in the treatment of spurs.


To do this, get a medical bile in any pharmacy. Bottle with a substance shake and impregnate your cotton disk. Attach cotton to the patient and tie the bandage. With such a compress you need to sleep all night. Do not wash off the bile in the morning, but wipe the place with alcohol. It is necessary to continue treatment for 20 days, even after the disappearance of pain.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

Oil and vinegar

For the preparation of therapeutic mixture, you need to pour egg with acetic essence. Vinegar is needed so that the egg becomes muddy. Next, melt in the water bath pack of butter and pour into the jar. Take the tank with a towel and leave it in a warm place for 2-3 days. After that, mix the mixture and apply it to the night to the patient.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

Potatoes and kerosene

You need to cook mashed potatoes. To do this, lean the root roots in the peel and dispel them. In the resulting porridge, pour the cabins of kerosene and stir. Lower the legs into the container with the mixture and keep up to complete cooling. Make such manipulations need a week. After the procedure, you do not need to wash. Wipe them with a paper napkin and put on old socks.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies


Collect the plant in the garden in the garden and do not wash them. Attach the plant to the patient and tie a bandage. Leave up to complete leaf drying. There are two weeks enough to get rid of spurs. It is believed that the plantain perfectly pulls the salt and paints the heel.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies


Fresh cabbage leaves. Lubricate honey and attach to the patient. Keep a grazing all night. In the morning, wash your legs and smear the moisturizing cream. You will need three days to remove pain. You can pour red pepper instead of honey on the cabbage sheets. He literally after a couple of sessions reduces pain. You can completely get rid of pain in 14 days.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

Magnesia and Valerian

Purchase in the pharmacy 6 bags of magnesia and fill them with a liter of water. Heat the mixture to 60 ° C and lower the legs into it. Keep the heels in the liquid to the full cooling of it. Next, moisten the tampon tincture of Valerians and attach to the patient. Tie a compress bandage and leave all night. Cut the treatment 10 days.

Spurs on the heels: treatment of folk remedies

As you can see, it is possible to fight with the heel spur without expensive drugs. Folk remedies quickly remove pain, and sometimes there are an alternative to surgical intervention.

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