Treatment of Spur shock-wave therapy

Treatment of Spur shock-wave therapy

The treatment of plantar fasci (heel spurs) by the method of shock-wave therapy is a modern alternative to operational intervention. The procedure is assigned to remove the heel growth after a more conservative treatment or in a complex with other methods of therapy.

How is the laser on the heel shpor

This disease is an education on bone tissue of sharp increases, which when walking injured the foot fabric. The focus of inflammation occurs, the patient complains about the overall pain in the heel region, even with small loads on his feet. The method of shock-wave therapy is to effect on the resulting bone tissue with high-frequency pulses of the sound wave. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus that generates the waves of the required frequency.

In this case, a pronounced therapeutic effect is observed:

  • The laser locks the pulses of pain receptors, suppresses the inflammatory response, which helps to eliminate pain and reduce the sensitivity of the tissues of the heel area.
  • Shock-sound waves activate the process of restoring the cells of fascia and tendons, the swelling decreases, the blood circulation is normalized, the metabolism is enhanced.
  • The exposure to the laser contributes to the destruction of calcium ions (salt growths) and the gradual conclusion from the body.

How does shock-wave therapy procedure

Appoints treatment or orthopedic. It conducts an inspection of the heel region - by palpation determines painful areas. High-frequency waves are sent directly to the foci of inflammation without affecting a healthy tissue. A radiography is also prescribed before the procedure, coagulogram, in special cases - magnetic resonance tomography.

This hardware treatment is carried out in medical centers or public clinics. During the procedure, the patient may be in the sitting position or lying. The doctor's manipulation algorithm is as follows:

  • The heel area is lubricated with a medical gel.
  • Locally, directly on the painful areas, the sensor of the laser device is supplied, which affects the skin on salt formation by generating high-frequency pulses.
  • Sound waves freely pass through the gel in the fabric of the feet and reflected from bone formations. In this case, the effect of impact is created, and calcium deposits are gradually softened and destroyed.

Therapeutic course includes 5-7 procedures for exposure to a laser duration of 15-30 minutes. The interval is set between several days between the procedures, which depends on the health of the patient. In the presence of severe pain, this interval can reach up to 20 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of shock-wave therapy

The impact of high-frequency pulses has several advantages in comparison with operational intervention:

  • there are no side effects;
  • the treatment is carried out outpatient, and the patient can lead a familiar lifestyle;
  • the procedure is painless, only lung pressure from the exposure of the sensor can be felt;
  • there is a therapeutic effect after 2 or 3 procedures;
  • briefness of the treatment process and rapid recovery.

Despite the high effectiveness of treatment, the procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • hemophilia;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • blood vessels;
  • poisoning;
  • the presence of a tumor in the heel region;
  • thrombus in the lower limbs;
  • infectious diseases.

Shock-wave therapy may be appointed as independent treatment or in a complex with physiotherapy and the method of medication. The impact of pulses will not destroy large bone growing, but will remove inflammation and pain, improve the overall health of the patient. With small growths, the method fully eliminates the plantar fasci and contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues.

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