How to treat spurs

How to treat spurs

Spurs, they are planor fascia, arise due to injury to the heel bone, flatfoot, transferred infectious diseases, excessive burden on the feet due to a large body weight, fluid delay in the body, incorrectly selected shoes and other factors. Often, this disease accompanies periostitis. The main symptom is pain in the affected area when walking or palpation. To the treatment of this pathology it is desirable to apply an integrated approach.

Start by visiting orthopedes or surgeon to confirm the diagnosis. You will need to pass tests and make x-rays. If the disease is launched, you will have to resort to operational surgical intervention, but such cases are quite rare. Medical treatment is reduced to the reception of the Flexoven as a specialist, diclofenac, butadion, and ibuprofen, volitary, diprospan, dimexide. It is recommended to resort to the introduction into the affected zone of corticosteroids. To relieve painful syndrome, the doctor can supply you medicinal blockages to the exostrosis sites. In general, therapy is aimed at removing swelling and inflammation, regeneration of cells and tissues, preventing the manifestation of dystrophic phenomena. It is very effective to carry out electrophoresis using potassium iodide, hydrocortisone, novocaine.


Effective in the fight against this pathology of magnetotherapy, radiotherapy and shock-wave therapy. Remember that there are a period of pregnancy and lactation to the latest treatment of the fascination, the presence of neoplasms and hypotension, cardiovascular diseases, nervous system disorders, thrombophlebitis. Digit about both laser therapy that allows you to achieve a long remission. The prevention of the occurrence, the elimination of pain, the increase in blood circulation contributes to the use of the vitafon - the apparatus of infrared and vibroacoustic effects. It is desirable to carry orthopedic corrective products for stop (ralk, tunes). You can buy ready-made, or you will make them to order, considering all the anatomical features and severity of the disease. Minimize walking on heels.


The specialist will develop a complex of exercise exercise of the exercise for you, do not be lazy to perform them, resort to appliqués with therapeutic mud, the course duration - twelve procedures. At the place of inflammation, stick special plasters for a day, for example, Bone Spur Plaster. Remove inflammation, reduce pain syndrome and some ointment, cream (ortho-eye tiger eye based on medicinal plants and essential oils). Not recommended for use of pregnant women. Massage the stop daily. Along with the traditional methods of treatment, use and folk remedies. The most affordable means are baths for a stop with a large cream salt, dissolve three tablespoons in a liter of boiling water, let it cool down a little, lower the legs and keep at least half an hour.


Equally effective and bathtub from hot brew or divorced water diluted glass urin. Apply to the sick place of raw potatoes or raw pork fat, then lower the foot in the cellophane package, put on a warm sock, hold a few hours. It will help in the fight against a non-diagonal and chopped medium bully, which put in the package, lower the foot in it, climb the duct card. Procedure do at night, like compress from cottage cheese. Every day, for a quarter of an hour, we walk with bare feet on a large salt. Try and such a recipe: two spoons of cedar nuts pour a glass of alcohol or vodka, keep the week in a dark place, use the tincture three times a day on a teaspoon.

Remember that the appearance of the spurs is easier to prevent than cured, so choose shoes in size, not narrow, do not forget about the daily massage of the feet.

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