Treatment of spur bile

Treatment of spur bile

In any pharmacy, you can buy bile - she successfully treats many diseases of bones and joints. Most often, it enjoys people who have diagnosed bursitis, radiculitis, arthrosis and other similar diseases. We will talk about how with the help of bile get rid of the heel spurs.

Action of bile

Medical bile has a powerful irritating property, which leads to enhanced blood circulation. As a result:

  • inflammation is removed;
  • spare alignments and seals;
  • pains leave.

The described bile properties allow us to talk about it as a fairly effective healing spur treatment. After all, Spur is the growth of bone or cartilage tissue, which when inflammation begins to hurt much.

Cautions in the treatment of bile

The bile has a rather strong burning, so it is categorically impossible to use:

  • if the painful area has mechanical damage in the form of a wound or even shallow cracks;
  • if you are allergic to bile.

The bile can cause fairly strong skin burns, so when the compression is superimposed, it is not recommended to cover it with a film. The film will prevent the air flow to the skin, which will strengthen the effect of bile on the skin. It will warm up, blushing, and even bubbles may appear. Also, it is also impossible to do hot compresses with bile - the elevated temperature will also lead to burns.

How long to be treated bile

If the spur is not too big and the pain in the foot is moderate, it may be enough and five to six procedures. But if the leg hurts a very strong and x-ray shows a large sample, the course of treatment can be up to 20 days. Below you will find a few recipes for bile compresses - choose which you have more accessible.

Clean bile compress

Compress Make every evening:

  1. Fold a large piece of gauze in 8-10 layers.
  2. Shake the bottle with biliary.
  3. Pick out the gauze in bile, and then squeeze it a bit.
  4. Enter the compress on the heel and fix the elastic bandage.
  5. Keep the compress for 6 hours. With strong ghost, cut the time.

Bile and vodka compress

For the compress you, in addition to bile, you will need vodka and liquid soap. Measure 40 ml of bile. Mix bile with 20 ml of vodka. Add 20 ml of soap or shampoo to a mixture. Over and fix the compress in the same way as in the previous recipe. Keep it until the morning - it warms the blood well and not too much bake.

Chile bile and pepper compress

And this compress is considered the most useful, but it is quite aggressive. Keep it on the leg originally only 1-2 hours. If the skin is well transferred to the tool, then every day increase the exposure time for 1 hour. How to cook:

  1. Grind 10 pods of bitter red pepper.
  2. Fold the pepper into the jar and pour with bile (250 ml).
  3. Add 100 ml of camphor alcohol.
  4. Insist 3 days in a dark place.
  5. After insistence, the mixture is pulled out through the gauze.

Bile has a rather unpleasant odor, so after any compression, wash it off with warm water with soap. If the smell did not leave, then rinse the legs with water with vinegar (1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. L. Vinegar).

With prolonged use of the bile and the absence of a positive result, visit the doctor. You may have to treat the vehicle by other methods that a specialist may appoint.

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