Treatment of heel spurs Dimeksid

Treatment of heel spurs Dimeksid

The heel spur is a heel bone process formed by calcium surplus. It damages the connective tissue that formulates the foot of the foot, and causes pain when walking. Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory antiseptic drug used externally for the treatment of arthrosis, fascites and other diseases of bones and joints. Its use for the treatment of heel spurs helps to avoid surgical intervention.

Healing properties of the drug

You can get rid of the spur on the heel in various ways: massages, electrophoresis, shock-wave therapy and others. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is an integral part of complex treatment. Domexide penetrates deep layers of skin and has an anesthetic effect. It is able to "deliver" the hearth component of other drugs - antibiotics, hormonal agents.

Other medicinal qualities of Dimexide:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • resinking properties;
  • increases metabolism in the lesion focus;
  • improves the permeability of cell membranes.

The drug is sold at a price of up to 100 rubles and avoids regular trips to the clinic for conducting procedures against the heel spurs. Does not lose its qualities during freezing.

Dimexide: Forms of release

For the treatment of heel spurs, use one of the three forms of the discharge of the drug:

  • Concentrate. From it, prepare an aqueous solution in proportions 1: 4 or 1: 3, so as not to burn the skin on the heel.
  • Ointment. Contains 30-75% of the current component. Try ointment skin on your heel at least 2 times a day.
  • Gel with 25% or 50% of the active component. Use for appliqués to the disease.

Any form of the drug will benefit if you just rub it. But for the best effect, use compresses with dimexide.

How to make a compress for the treatment of heel spurs

For compresses, an aqueous solution of a concentrated preparation is used. Prepare it as follows:

  1. Divide one tablespoon of concentrate in 3-4 tablespoons of warm boiled water.
  2. Solver cool and mix again.

For the compress you will need a gauze fabric, anti-inflammatory ointment, cellophane package and cotton towel. Compress Procedure:

  1. Spread the heel of ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Turn the woven gauze into 6 layers.
  3. Cut from the gauze square or the circle so that it completely covered the affected place on the heel.
  4. Soak the carved napkins in the solution of dimexide with water.
  5. Attach the compress to the heel and wrap the foot with a cellophane package, and from above - a towel.
  6. After 30 minutes, free your foot from the compression.
  7. Repeat the procedure for two weeks 2-3 times a day.


Precautions for the treatment of heel spurs

Dimexide is a drug, and therefore use it, taking into account precautionary measures. Do not use the drug in the following cases:

  • in cardiovascular insufficiency and angina;
  • with eye diseases such as glaucoma or cataract;
  • with heart attacks and hemorrhagic stroke;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in atherosclerosis;
  • during comatose states;
  • under the age of 12 years.

Do not allow the drug to enter the body into the eye, or to the mucous membranes - it is toxic, and can cause poisoning. If it still happened - I immediately wash the ointment.

If you are accustomed to the appointments of expensive means, you can hardly believe that the drug Dimexide will help to eliminate pain caused by heel spurs. Of course, alone, he is not able to do it, but is a good conductor for other medicines. If you apply comprehensive therapy and reduce the load on your heels, then make sure the pain will be held very soon.

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