Treatment of heal ship

Treatment of heal ship

heel spur or plantar fasciitis presents by himself  degenerativeinflammatory disease soft tissues, which surround calcaneal mound v neighborhood fastening tendons muscle. Often this disease accompanied other, caused inflammation periosteumperiostitis, arise which the maybe from increased loads and mikrootslaivaniya. A place, where formed microtrauma, inflamed, arise haygarth's nodes (bone outgrowths), which and call spur. Basic symptom, which the torments patients, –  pain v heel. Affected disease people, suffer delay liquids, longitudinal flatfoot, lumbarsacral osteochondrosis, having infection and extra the weight.

1) For clarifications this diagnosis and exceptions similar on symptoms diseases, contact to orthopedist, surgeon, make radiography and analysis blood on biochemistry. At launched form need surgical intervention, v others cases treatment v basic directed on removal arose inflammation, regeneration tissues, fight with dystrophic events. Necessarily shorten load on legs, at necessible change shoes on more comfortable. forget on time pro shoes on heels. Use soft nadpyatochniki and orthopedic insoles. Not remember regularly conduct massage feet, engaged medical physical exercise, exercises for which selected doctor. Specialist maybe conduct to you medicinal blockade way injection painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs v sick a place. The way struggle sO spur allows achieve remission how minimum on two of the year. used and local introduction corticosteroids.

heel shpora3

Complete the course of shock-wave therapy, consisting of an average of six procedures lasting about half an hour. The principle of the method is the impact of ultrasonic waves on the spur that is served pulsed. Remember that such a treatment has a number of contraindications to which the presence of oncological diseases, a violation of blood coagulation, as well as cardiac rhythm, a period of pregnancy and lactation, hypotension, CNS disorders. You can take advantage of the X-ray therapy of the Planted Fascition. The procedure is very efficient and painless, only ten minutes lasts, the course is designed for eight or ten sessions. It consists in the direction of the affected area of \u200b\u200bfocused X-rays carrying a low dose of radiation and blocking nerve endings. To resort to this treatment can not only be pregnant. The laser therapy is very popular in the fight against this disease, which, however, does not remove the spur itself, and enhances blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation and blocks pain syndrome.

Heel spur2.

For the prevention of the occurrence, as well as for temporary removal of pain, use the "Vitafon" apparatus, which has a vibroacoustic effect on the affected heel area. You can also resort to UHF therapy, ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis with potassium iodide, novocaine or hydrocortisone, magnetotherapy, appliqués with healing mud. The most effective for the treatment of heel spurs with drugs are considered to be Dimeksid, Diprosun, Ibufen, Flexen, Voltaren. Purchase and special plaster, such as Bone Spur Plaster. An important role in the fight against this ailment plays compliance with a certain diet: exclude salty food from the diet, drink no less than two and a half liters of water per day, minimize the use of cereal, meat, low-fat dairy products. Eat more rice, cucumbers, fruits, season-watermelons. Limit yourself in the consumption of sweet and sour.


Do not forget about the folk remedies for the treatment of this ailment. Put the three spoons of cottage cheese on the gauze, attach to the heel area, keep all night. Do so three days. To remove the painful syndrome daily walk on the salt of a large grinding with bare feet for fifteen minutes. Also, on the night, make a onion compress: Patch or soda the middle head of the bulbs, put in the package and lower the sore leg in it, climb the warm scarf. Try this tool: take about one hundred grams of fresh swine bala, add fresh egg along with a shell, pour half a glass of acetic essence and mix. Insist the week in a dark place, do not forget to stir. Dry cotton swab into the resulting tool and attach to the patient the place of a steady leg in advance, preferably for four hours. If you feel the burning - remove the ride. Make every day a foot bath with salt (two spoons per liter of water). Or add such a solution: Mix 50 ml of vinegar and 150 ml of turpentine.

Bath for foot3.

As for the prevention of heel spurs, both for therapy be sure to make a massage of the feet within fifteen minutes.



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