How to cure the heel sput

How to cure the heel sput

The heel spur is the expansion of the bone, which is provoked by a metabolic disorder or flat-refining. Traditional medicine treats the disease with compresses, warming up and massage. But before reaching the doctor, the patient tries to cure the diseases of people.

Methods for treating heel spurs:

  • compresses;
  • warming up;
  • massage;
  • surgical intervention.

Most people are afraid of surgery and therefore prefer to treat the disease for a long time. The most interesting thing is that some of them are quite effective.

How to cure the heel sput

Heating spurs treatment. To do this, boil 5 liters of water and pushed a table salt into the liquid, 1 kg is enough. Mix the solution thoroughly and let it cool a little. It is necessary that the liquid is very hot, and the leg barely kept the temperature of the solution. Keep the feet in the bath until the water cools completely. Conduct manipulation costs daily for 10 days. There is no need to prepare a new solution every day, it is enough to warm it.

How to cure the heel sput

If you have a moonshine, it can be used as a medicine. Pour alcohol into the rail plate and burn it. Keep your heels over the fire for 15-20 minutes, until all the alcohol is burning. After that, salt the foot with a massager. You can simply be like a special rug with stones. For treatment apply garlic. Before the procedure, wash your legs and lubricate them with nutrient cream or vegetable oil. Stodit a few garlic cloves on a shallow grater and put the cassea on the fabric. Attach the compress to the affected area and hold for several hours. When a strong burning occurs, remove garlic and wash the foot.

Perfectly copes with the height spur. It must be applied to the crust of black bread and fasten with the help of elastic bandages on the leg. Be sure to put socks and go to bed. Perhaps in a dream you will feel pain in the joints, but you need to suffer. Usually spur disappears after 5 procedures. Purchase in the pharmacy bile and interfere with it with alcohol and shopping soap. On the vile vial you need 20 g of alcohol and a tablespoon of grated soap. Applying ointment is needed daily. After a few sessions, you will feel relief.

Kerosene is an excellent organic spurs. For the preparation of the compress, lean the potatoes in the uniform and dispel it. Must work puree. While Kashitsa is hot, pour the kerosene spoon in it and lay out the substance on the cellophan. Attach the compress to the heel and clog the cloth, top with a woolen sock. Spur will disappear through 3-7 sessions.

When is the operational intervention? Usually initially the disease is treated with conservative methods. If all the measures taken do not help, then after 6 months, an operation is carried out using an endoscope. Such manipulation allows you to remove the heel spine and reduce the rehabilitation period. The surgeon fully controls the process due to the minicimer. An alternative to the endoscope is a mini-invasive technique. During the operation, a cut is made only 3 mm long.

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