How to cure nail fungus on legs

How to cure nail fungus on legs

Nail fungus is a fairly common problem, especially in people who visit the gym or pool. It is in these places that a favorable environment is created for the growth of bacteria and fungi. In this article we will tell how to get rid of the nail fungus on the legs.

How to treat nail fungus

At the very beginning of the aless, small bright stripes and stains on the nail bed are observed. Next, the plate is deformed. You will see the characteristic seals from the nail rollers and near the lunula. If the disease is running, the nail begins to be laired and cracking, which leads to its complete detachment and loss.

How to cure nail fungus on legs

This can be done with the help of people and traditional medicine. The treatment option is selected depending on the severity of the disease and the status of the nail plate. The main problem of treating the fungus is that the active substances are difficult to penetrate the nail. That is why in advanced cases it makes sense to use medicines.

How to cure nail fungus on legs

Preparations for the treatment of nail fungus

These may be local medicines or pills. In the early stages of disease, dermatologists are usually prescribed ointments and baths. Among them are well aware of themselves such ointments: Lamikon, Mikosan, Batrafin. It is worth considering that the course of treatment is long and requires patience. In the case of damage to the fungus, not only the nail plate, but also the skin, it is recommended to use drugs that dissolve the nail. These are liquids containing acid or alkali. They corrupt the nail, and it can be removed using a lancet or nail file. So you open access to the skin. Now it is necessary to lubricate the ointment to the remnants of the nail and the skin around and under it.

How to cure nail fungus on legs

In severe cases, the doctor may appoint drugs that are accepted orally. Among them: ketoconazole, nastatin and fluconazole. These tablets perfectly cope with the fungi of the genus candidate.

How to cure nail fungus on legs

Treatment with folk remedies

Consider folk remedies that help eliminate nail fungus.

Degtyar soap

For treatment, you can use a cheap and affordable product - a ternary soap. They need to laure the patient to nail and sprinkle with salt. Compress Bubble with clean cloth and go to bed. Such treatment gives its results in just a week.

How to cure nail fungus on legs

Vinegar and glycerin

These fluids are often used to treat cracks on heels and nail fungus. To prepare the healing mixture, mix the acetic essence (70% fortress) with glycerin in equal amounts. Pour the liquid into the jar and shake it. Lubricate your nails with this substance and give it to absorb. After that, put the socks. It is necessary to carry out the processing of sick places 3-4 times a day. From the fungus you will be able to get rid of 21 days.

How to cure nail fungus on legs


This method will help get rid of fungus in running cases. For the preparation of the compress, take several cloves of garlic and soda it on the grater. The resulting cleaner impose on the nail plate and close the rut. With such a compress you need to go to bed. In just 4-5 days you will notice the result. Continue treatment is 2 weeks.

As you can see, the methods of treating the fungus nails set. At the same time, it is not necessary to acquire expensive drugs. Some recipes of traditional medicine work no worse.

Comments leave a comment
Gregory. 07/07/2018 at 13:07

Degtyar soap helps, garlic, hydrogen peroxide. Also, I was treated with Mizol Evalarov gel. He cured the fungus completely in 4 months, long, but on forever TTT.

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