Onichomicosis is a disease that is accompanied by weakness and vulnerability of the nail plate, bundle, peeling and itching, as well as aesthetic discomfort. The fungus is able to penetrate deeply under the nail, therefore the treatment can last long enough. There are many methods to combat this disease, however, perfectly managed to establish themselves in medicine the tea tree oil, which has unique antiseptic properties.
Healing Tea Wood Oil Properties
Tea tree oil is mined from the Australian Plant Mealleukuk. It is completely harmless to humans. Only single patients experience an allergic reaction. In oil contains such active substances as Alpha Fellandren, Sabene, Alpha Tlepinen and Alpha Pinen.
Useful oil properties:
- prevention from cancer tumors;
- prevention of inflammatory processes in the body;
- effective protection against viruses, infections, as well as colds;
- promotes rapid healing;
- moisturizing dry skin.
To enhance the effect, the oil is often diluted with other components. But in the treatment of fungus on the nails, the tool can be used in its pure form.
Preparation for the procedure
Test oil in advance on the skin. If irritation occurs, then mix the ester of the tea tree with olive oil. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to wash and thoroughly clean the affected places. Cut and boil your nails in order to be as short as possible. Wipe dry with a towel.
Applying oil
Apply 3-4 drops of concentrated tools on the nail plate and its edges, and then carefully cover the liquid. Sterile cotton wand Try to absorb the oil deeply under the nail, since the fungus will be destroyed only with the direct hit of the drug on the affected plate. You can also apply oil to your cotton disk and apply it to your finger for 7-10 minutes. It is not recommended to drip the skin to the skin near the nail. Concentrated oil can cause a burn. After processing, tightly adjust the nail sterile bandage so that the medicine is not lubricated. Such a procedure must be performed daily: in the morning and evening.
Therapeutic bath with the addition of sea salt
Another pretty effective method of combating fungus - therapeutic baths. Pour in a basin (bowl) liter of water and mix in it a tablespoon of sea salt, a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of honey. When the components dissolve, pour 20-25 drops of tea tree oil. In warm water, immerse your hands or legs and hold 15-20 minutes. Even if you do not suffer onichomicosis, this bath will serve as prevention.
Therapeutic bath with the addition of liquid soap
Pour 0.5 liters of hot water into the vessel and add one teaspoon of liquid soap into it, mixed with 5 drops of tea tree ether. Cool down. Lower the nail plates for 10-15 minutes. This solution can also be lifted in the nail fungus 2-3 times a day.
Combination of oils
This mixture is very effective due to its combination. With an equal ratio, mix the ether of thyme, olive oil and tea tree. The solution is applied to the surface of the nails and gently rubs into the inside. Then the mixture is again applied and left for 20 minutes.
Nobody is insured against the nail fungus. It is very important to begin treatment in a timely manner. At first signs it is necessary to take all the necessary measures. As they grow, make a nail plate until it starts to appear healthy. If you have greatly launched onichomicosis - immediately contact the help of a specialist, since it is possible surgery.
The oil cloculates the pores, so you do not give the skin and nails breathe ... Therefore, I would not recommend. CDA is better than Mizol drip. The fungus is killed once on the root, but the time for a growing healthy nails is of course it is still required ... Therefore, do not wait for the right results. But that, Yato is effective, 100%.