How to cure nail fungus on hands

How to cure nail fungus on hands

The fungus on the fingeries of the fingers or onychomicosis is the damage to the nail to the dermatophypite fungi. Until recently, treatment consisted in full removal of the nail plate, but often a new nail stored affected. Today, effective methods of combating onychomicosis are used in medicine, allowing you to quickly and forget about this problem.

What does the affected nail look like

The manifestations of onychomicosis are different, depend on the degree of defeat and individual characteristics of the nail plate. Depending on the visual changes, different types of nail fungus are distinguished:

  • If the color of the nail is changing, whitic stains and stripes are shown, while the thickness of the nail does not change, then this is the norm illumination of the defeat.
  • If the thickening and nail seal is added to the previous features, the loss of gloss, they are talking about the hypertrophic type of disease.
  • If the nail plate begins to die and brand - this is an atrophic type of onchomicosis.

Depending on the different localization of the fungus, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • the impact of the fungus at the very edge of the nail speaks of distal form;
  • nail struck on the sides is the lateral form;
  • damage at the base of the nail indicates a proximal form;
  • distribution fungus throughout the nail plate is called a total form.

The affected nail becomes muddy, the energous leg begins, which leads to his thickening. Not cured fungus spreads over time throughout the thickness of the nail plate and affects other nails of the hands.

How is the infection of onchomicosis

The disease is provoked by fungal infections that fall on the skin of hands or clothing through a handshake, household household items, in the gym, bath, sauna and any public places. The fungus is a very viable infection. The most favorable for its reproduction is pH 6-6.7. A healthy person has this indicator at the level of 5.5, so hitting the nail in people with good immunity fungus is quite difficult. But if the body is weakened, or a person is in a wet environment for a long time, he has excessive hand sweating - then the fungus will easily settle on the nail plate.

The process of infection is very simple - dry hairs or scales of the skin from the person affected by the fungus fell into a healthy area and microorganism begins to multiply. The fungus is very resistant in a dry environment, it does not kill it, but simply suspends the activity. On dead scales or hairs, he can live for years and is able to be activated when entering a favorable environment.

The probability of the appearance of the nail fungus in the hands increases with age. There are some types of diseases whose supports are also in the risk group:

  • diabetes;
  • immunodeficiency virus;
  • oncological diseases of varying severity;
  • psoriasis.

How the disease is diagnosed

When diagnosing, it is important to distinguish onichomicosis from non-rotary deformations of nails, which are no less often. An experienced dermatologist can assume the presence of pathogenic fungus, but the disease is diagnosed by scuffed from the nail plate of the affected scales.

Analysis, as a rule, is appointed to identify the following types of nail fungus:

  • Trichophyton Rubrum;
  • Trichophyton Tonsurans;
  • Trichophyton Interdigitale;
  • Microsporum canis;
  • Epidermophyton floccosum.

On the eve of the fence of the material should not use therapeutic creams or ointments for hands. The nail surface must be clean, any varnish must be removed.

Pharmaceutical treatment of onchomicosis

For the treatment of the disease, the dermatologist prescribes modern antifungal drugs. They not only quickly kill the fungus - from 2 weeks to 3 months depending on the degree of defeat - but also remain in the nail plate up to 12 months, preventing re-infection and speeding up the process of recovery.

The active infancy of antifungal ointments is naphtyphin, terbinafin, cyclopirox, azole, boothenofin. Here are some of them:

  • Exoderil;
  • Lamizil;
  • Butnaphine;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Fenticonazole;
  • Itraconazole.

In addition to ointions, medicinal nail polishes can be assigned. They are applied only 2 times a week, easy and convenient to use: Loceral; demicten; Exoderil; Batrafin, Mikosan.

For the treatment of the nail fungus in the atrophic stage, patches with a peeling effect are used - they knead the nail plate, after which the layers can be easily read. The plaster changes once every 3-4 days and superimposed until the nail removal. These funds include onychoplast, novevit, nailimicin.

As an alternative or to enhance the effect of external treatment, the reception of tableted preparations is assigned:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Terbinatil;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Neungal.

Further differs from the daily reception of the pill method of pulse therapy. Reception of drugs is carried out in 3 months duration of 7 days. There is a 3-week break between the courses.

People's methods to combat onichomicosis

At the initial stages of the disease, you can use folk remedies. They are quite effective against various types of nail fungus, but the treatment process can take a longer time:

  • Propolis. On the peeled nails, impose a bee product and leave overnight. Course treatment - 2 weeks.
  • Garlic with butter. Grinding clove of garlic. Connect with butter of room temperature, impose on the night, securing the plaster or bandage.
  • Iodine. Make a grid on an affected nail with a solution of iodine, overnight, 3 times a week.
  • Celandine. Fresh-blooded plant Pour the glass of boiling water and give it. In the warm solution, drop your fingers and keep 15-20 minutes. These baths need to be taken daily before the fungus disappear.

How to prepare nails before treatment

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the depth of the drug penetration into the nail plate. To help the active substance to get to the pathogenic fungus, it is necessary to prepare nails before applying ointments, varnishes, imposing a patch or home compresses:

  • Hands thoroughly wash and spark in a hot soap-soda bath for 15 minutes. The bath is preparing at the rate: on a tablespoon of soap and soda on a liter of water.
  • Try to remove the winding upside downside of the nail.
  • Dry your hands and only after that apply the drug.


A very important and challenging task is disinfection of the room and household items. Without these measures, the treatment fungus will not bring the result:

  1. Handle flooring, walls, personal hygiene, manicure, clothing, bed linen.
  2. The fungus dies in a solution of chlorine - household items are lowered in it for 40 minutes.
  3. Clothes, linen, towel, gloves should be boiled for 5 minutes or wrap at high temperatures. The death of the fungus is observed under the influence of the temperature of 75 degrees and above for 15 minutes.

The nail fungus on the hands is not a sentence, you can treat it and need it. Be sure to visit the dermatologist, do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene. The success of treatment depends on the accuracy of the appointment, your patience and the desire to get rid of the problem.

Comments leave a comment
Maria 09/08/2018 at 13:59

From my own experience I can advise Mizol and tincture on the cleanliness. I used these 2 tools alternately and helped. There are no yellowness now, the smell of unpleasant too ... and because of the cleanliness, probably, the nails even stronger became)) So I can advise such a way)


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