How to remove nail

How to remove nail

Removal of the nail plate - not the most pleasant feeling. But sometimes such manipulation is the only chance to cure or eliminate the fungus festering. Usually, the nail is removed by surgery, but if you want you can do it yourself.

Now the pharmacy there are many tools that can dissolve a nail. This substance is not applied to the entire surface, but only on the affected area. It makes no sense to remove the nail with a healthy skin. If a portion of the skin under the nail is infected with fungus, the medication should be applied only to the affected part. Usually means left overnight and in the morning is removed using a blade that is sold together with the drug. You can try to remove the softened portion of the forceps or tweezers.

How to remove nail

Surgeon before surgery relieve your finger using a local anesthetic. After that, remove the nail with special scissors. Sometimes it removed only the part that has grown into the soft tissue. It provokes the suppuration and pain. After removing the plate doctor disinfects the wound and rewinds finger. If the nail is rooted to the foot, the first week you will have a limp. Can be hurt after expires anesthesia. To dull the pain, you can drink ketanov or another analgesic.

How to remove nail

If the nail grows on the foot, it is possible to do without the help of a surgeon. It is advisable to cut the ingrown piece in the beginning, when there is no abscess and of the wounds oozing pus. The larger the abscess, the harder to cut the nail. Before removing a part of the nail plate, to be immersed in warm leg furatsilina solution.

How to remove nail

To prepare a solution of 1 tablet furatsilina dissolve in a glass of water. Hold the leg in the solution for 10-15 minutes. Then immerse the limb in water with the addition of pine oil. The water should be hot, it softens the cuticles and nail plate. Then carefully pry nail lancet (manicure spatula) and cut the nail scissors. It hurts, so you have to be patient.

How to remove nail

After part of the plate is removed, attach to the wound Ointment of Vishnevsky or make a row from a mixture of dimexide and furatsiline. To do this, mix the components in proportion 1: 1. Change the compresses every hour. This solution dries the suppuration, the wound heals 2-3 days. The pharmacy sells a ready-made means, but it is not suiced.

How to remove nail

Do not experiment with your health, since sometimes the suppuration will develop in Gangren. Then you have to raise the question of preserving your fingers.

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