How to remove swelling after a fracture

How to remove swelling after a fracture

Did you remove the gypsum, and the resulting swelling was visible in the place of damage? Its necessary to eliminate it for further healing of the bone into the shortest time. Various methods will help to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon - medicinal and folk. Combining some of them, you can easily get rid of the swelling. Consider the most popular in the article.

Edema in the case of a fracture is a fairly common phenomenon that arises due to the accumulation of fluid in a certain part of the body, namely in the space between the cells. Stretch is not worth it - the tumor is temporary, however, it can cause substantial discomfort and pain. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is consult with the doctor. Very often, doctors in this case are prescribed electrophoresis combined with paraffin, or a massage, after which electrostimulation follows. All techniques are performed in the desired sequence and lead to an excellent, proven result. Moreover, doctors recommend that the elastic bandage is used, then the tumor will disappear faster.

Edema 4.

Restore blood circulation can be activated muscles. For this purpose, special rubbing is prescribed using gels and ointments with a warming or cooling effect. Cooling, for example, the thrombosvazine is attributed to the swelling 2 times a day.

Edema 5.

However, the most widely used people's methods used by our ancestors. The direction of action from them is the same as with drug treatment. One of the methods of traditional medicine to remove the swelling - use the baths from the decoction of the fir branches. To do this, lower the finiteness to the swollen place in the bath and make a procedure for 15 minutes. After lubricate the edema with fir oil to improve the result.

Edema 6.

A good helper in this business is also raw potatoes. Watch the potato on a shallow grater and squeeze juice. Attach the resulting mass to the seal seal, wrap cellophane, and from above - warming up a towel.

Edema 7.

An effective means of reducing swelling is the ointment of Arnica, which can be purchased in any pharmacy. And it is also possible to buy infusion of these herbs or make it at home for later use as a compress. To make it cooking at home, take three spoons of grass and pour a liter of boiling water. Wait for an hour so that the decoction is blown away, then strain. It is advisable to put the compress for the night for 15 minutes to the swollen place.

Edema 8.

An effective method is considered to be a drug incense. Except 50 grams of incense, take rye flour and the root of the gibbyness. All overcome the powder and add 2 eggs protein. Stir the ingredients and adjust the resulting cleaner to the injured place. Conduct the procedure every other day until the edema does not completely subscribe.

Edema 9.

You can also make an infusion related to the folk method for adopting it inside. Its use leads to a decrease in edema. It is done like this: Take the chamomile, St. John's wort and Valerian, evenly mix and squeeze the tablespoon of the finished collection into the clean capacity. Fill herbs with glass boiling water and cover the capacitance with a lid. Insist for 20 minutes. Folk healers recommend taking herbal infusion several times a day.

All of the above funds and methods are directed to a single goal - to normalize blood circulation and make the vessel walls denser. In this case, it is important not to overdo it and do not turn the fight against the fanatile actions that can lead to serious negative consequences. First and most importantly - consult a doctor!

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Peter 18/03/2021 at 13:23

The first aid you need to have after impact (and suspicion of a fracture) is to attach cold, to provide peace and immediately start taking calcium. Better in chelated form (in Russia it is only Evalar). It is absorbed by the most organism. This is all the guarantee that the bones will quickly begin to grow. Gypsum still need, of course. But the period of rehabilitation will be less.


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