How to distinguish a fracture from the bump

How to distinguish a fracture from the bump

There is no man who never fell in life or hurts did not hit. Everyone knows what kind of torment, when he got bruised, and even more so a fracture. If such a situation has occurred, the doctor is not always near. But do not fall into a panic before arriving soon! To assist the victim, it is required to first determine what kind of injury from him. The diagnosis depends on how to treat the patient in the future.

In medical terms, a fracture is a damage characterized by a violation of bone integrity. This injury is two species: open and closed. The first option will not be very difficult to be visually, then you will be damaged not only bone, but more muscles, skin cover.

A closed fracture is characterized by acute pain, swelling of soft tissues. If the injury without displacement, then determine, it is injured or a fracture, difficult. The main characteristics of bone integrity disorders:

  • Not natural mobility in the place of damage to the bone.
  • It is impossible to move, rely on the damaged area, especially in injuries of the femoral, shoulder bone.
  • Unfortunate pain, as the muscles are reduced and disturbed bone or fragments, and with time, pain becomes stronger.
  • Sometimes hematomas and swelling occurs during muscle damage. This happens always, the cracks in the bone of such symptoms do not cause.

How to know your injury or fracture

If a person got a bruise, then swelling almost immediately appears, besides, it increases during the day. Painful feeling lasts a few hours, during the first day they can increase, then gradually drop. It all depends on the strength of the bruise. Almost immediately after receiving the injury, the hematoma is formed, first it is redness, then shines, in a week green, yellowing and disappears at all.


As can be seen from the written above, to distinguish the symptoms of a closed fracture from the bruise is not easy. But still possible. Distinctive features are that the patient will not be able to rely on, for example, on a broken arm. It will not work and move the broken finger. With friction of broken dice, a crunch is heard. If the damaged bone is close to the skin, then visible curvature, bumps, depressions, noticeable abnormal mobility at the fracture site.

It is important that any passer-by could properly assist the victim before the arrival of doctors. If you are not sure that this is bruised, then act as when damaged bone tissue. Protective means fix the body area where injury is observed. Wounds treat with antiseptic (peroxide, alcohol, furacilin), impose a bandage. In the case when the injury fell on the lower limbs, do not remove the shoes. It is allowed to weaken the shoelaces, carefully unbutton the locks. There is a suspicion of damage to the cervical or spine, then condense the person, do not allow him to rise. In the presence of a first-aid kit, give the injured anesthetic.

The patient will have to visit the injury package, where the surgeon will send it to X-ray. Only in this way it is possible to accurately determine the correct diagnosis. Contact the doctor immediately, do not self-medicate to avoid further complications.

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Sveta 18/03/2021 at 13:22

Only x-ray can be reliably show. Well, and competent consultation of the doctor, of course. By the way, if the fracture, do not neglect calcium. Already in my own experience I speak. It is very important for the splicing of bones. I like Evalarov chelats most of all. It is absorbed better than other forms and no side effects, even pregnant allowed to take. Well, the milk is needed more, of course.

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