Why click Sustaines

Why click Sustaines

For any person on the planet, at least once in his life, the joints were tossed. The most often crouching their knees, hips and shoulder belt. In some cases, such clips are harmless and can be considered the norm, and in others are a symptom of the disease.

Criste joints can even have babies. Often, such sounds parents hear when making a baby massage or charging. In this case, clicks indicate the underdevelopment of the muscular-ligament apparatus and over time they will pass. But if the crunch is constantly from the same joint, it is better to obtain a consultation of a specialist.

There are several options for the occurrence of crunch in healthy people:

  • With a sharp stretching and increasing the joint capsule, as a result of the wrong or unusual movement, the pressure in it drops, and gas bubbles occur in the synovial fluid. Then, with the opposite brunch of the articular surfaces, they simply burst, and we hear the characteristic sound. Clicks of this nature for physiological reasons may occur no more than once every 10-15 minutes.
  • The crunch that man attributes the joint can both be formed and outside it. When the tendons and ligaments are overwhelmed when they return to their original position, a characteristic sound occurs.
  • Clothes in the knee joint when moving can be caused by the sinovial shell hit, which lifts it from the inside, between the cup and the femoral bone.

People with a weak ligament apparatus crunch arises much more often. They have more movable joints, and the bundles are periodically overlooking - here are clicks. Such a problem is often found in people with congenital hypermobility of the joints or young women, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, clicks are considered an option for the norm. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor yourself and try to avoid injuries, because with weak bundles there are often dislocations and sublifiers.

Clicks can be the signal of the body of the excessive load on the joints. So, when wearing shoes on too high, the load on the knees sharply increases. And if in addition to this there is an overweight - the occurrence of the crunch, and in the future and the disease is provided. The knee and the ankle joints do not like the shoes without a heel, since in this case the man's foot does not spring, and the load fully falls on them.

With a constant lift weight during operation or with active workouts, clicks may also appear - this is a signal about the need to reduce the load. Give the body time to completely relax, it will be useful to impose a bandage limiting the movement to the problem.

Crunch may occur after suffering injury, injury, strong hypothermia or infectious disease. Also that way can be given to know about yourself and not recognized in childhood congenital dislocilities of the thigh or knee. Contact your doctor - only it can establish the true state of affairs and assign proper treatment.

If clicks are accompanied by swelling of the joint, limited mobility or pain when moving, urgently contact the specialist. Such a set of symptoms may indicate the development of osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursita or tendenit. Accurate diagnosis is able to deliver only a doctor after receiving the x-ray images and test results. Remember that the first stage of the disease you may not feel much pain, because cartilage does not have nerve endings. The signal can be sent only by bone tissue, and this occurs when the cartilage layer has significantly depleted and deformed.

Some people like to specially poscholkat knuckles and wrist. This habit can cause osteoarthritis over time. So if you have a better sense of discomfort do a little gymnastics - and hands will thank you!

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Olesya V. 10/31/12 at 17:26

The dad at how much I remember right. Then it seemed to me that it should be used to it. And last year the joints began to break, so they were inflicted with the whole family. Cropped by our surgeon, but the pain did not pass. Sister bought him sustalaife. Dad drinks the third week and says that the pain has passed

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Gloria 23/10/2021 at 20:00

Definitely useful substances lack .... And then accompanied by pain. Therefore, it began to take Evalarov Honda MSM ... .. How many times removes pain, inflammation and prevents the destruction of the articular tissue due to hyaluronic acid in the composition. Now it has become much easier, no pain and crunch.

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