Knee pads during the arthrosis of the knee joint - how to choose

Knee pads during the arthrosis of the knee joint - how to choose

According to statistics, 20% of the population of the entire planet suffer from pain in the knee joint. In the elderly, this disease occurs much more often than people in young age. How to reduce pain during gonarthrosis and save the movable lifestyle? Talk about this issue in our article.

Knee pads in the arthrosis of the knee joint - the main qualities

The main goal of orthopedic knee pads is the maximum decrease in physical load on the knee joint. For a full "nutrition", the joint needs to preserve physical activity, knee pads are excellent assistants in this case, possessing certain functions:

  • Fixators reduce pain.
  • Wearing knee pads restores mobility in the knee joint.
  • Bandage reduces swelling and restores blood circulation.
  • Podpoleniki improve the effect of physiotherapores and enhance the effect of external medicines, if the kneepenter should be put on immediately after applying a cream or gel.

Knee pads during the arthrosis of the knee joint - material

Podpoles are made from various materials that have a significant role in choosing a suitable bandage. Before purchasing, read the features of each of them:

  • Wool - material for bandages is made of dog or camel wool, which undoubtedly affects the price range. Podpoleniki from this material are especially relevant in the cold season, when the ability to obtain inflammation of the joints increases especially. Wool fibers have a warming effect, as well as treat deep internal inflammation.
  • Cotton is a natural material that has tightness and softness, which is particularly important for the delicate and sick skin. In the bandage is made in conjunction with pulling fibers, making cotton elasticity and practicality.
  • Tourmaline - Fixators from tourmaline are made according to a special method by violation into the tourmaline tissue of trace elements of the healing stone of the tourmaline. The material emits an infrared effect that helps the treatment of not only arthrosis, but also other ailments. He has many contraindications to use, before buying, be sure to consult your doctor.
  • Neoprene - current synthetic material. It has waterproof, as well as well fixed on the body, but for a long time wearing the bandage is not recommended, as the skin begins to sweat quickly.
  • Polyester - material is effective with any degree of arthrosis, durable and easy to use. Polyester passes air and moisture, but does not have a heating action.

Knee pads during the arthrosis of the knee joint - types

Before buying a knee pad, check the degree of progressive disease from the doctor and find out the final diagnosis. After that, contact an orthopedic salon, where experienced staff will pick up for you a fixer suitable for you by the magnitude of the knee circle and the features of the disease. During gonarthrosis, the following types of clamps are offered:

  • The closed type of knee pads is used by versatile localization of pain syndrome. In addition to the girth of the knee joint, worst 10 cm each of the sides of the hips, thereby providing a solid fixation of the affected area.
  • Heated knee pads - thanks to the built-in Ihracted lamp heats up from the human body in 20 minutes, after which it evenly distributes the accumulated heat throughout the joint. It has a closed type and durable fixation. Basically recommended for people who experience constant severe pain.
  • Open type - suitable for use at the very beginning of the disease. It has fixing elements and lightweight lining.
  • Hinged orthosis - made of elastic material with built-in mathold cell elements. It is assigned to the postoperative period or during the injury of joints. It has two types - polycentric and two-axis. The first fixes the joint without the possibility of movement, the second appearance restrains the movement to the right and left.
  • Elastic magnetic knee pads - used for knee therapy with a magnetic field. The bandage has 6 magnets embedded in an elastic soft fabric. It has a closed type, dress up to the joints.

Arthrosis appears after the leg injury or with age. The person begins the defeat of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, which makes the person testing pain in physical exertion. If you pay out of attention, these symptoms, cartilage with time is depleted and cracks, which leads to a heavy stage to the prosthetics of the joint. Use the knee pad for the prevention and treatment of arthrosis. Take care of yourself!

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Hannah 23/10/2021 at 20:22

In general, even special tests take place for this ...... so it is better to consult with competent specialists in this matter. I also go with the knees, but at the same time you need to understand that this is only a secondary way of therapy. The basis personally for me is, of course, Evalarov Honda MSM, since it reduces pain, inflammation and in principle it has proven itself well in this regard. So I advise you to try, accurately rate. Easy to order in the online store phytomarket by the way.

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