How to choose a compression stockings

How to choose a compression stockings

View compression products appointed doctor v depending on from situation. So, some people enough usage knee-highs. But,  often they worsen condition veins under knee, so how this region counts weak place. So v such situation recommended use stockings. They have length before mid. hips or before region paho.
Today all manufacturers  compression knitwear used silicone gum. But, if there is allergy on the silicone or on reason features anatomy, it is better use such view products how tights.
Front thread how pick up compression stockings necessary familiarize with some moments.

1) Discover mine size compression stockings

Definition size related with medical appointment compression products. For of receipt therapeutic actions necessary dosed distribution pressure, which decreases to thigh. So, on the ankle and shin must be pressure 100%, v knee 70%, a v region hips total 40%. By this reason to choose the size such stockings need to individually on settings legs. Also at choosing necessary convert attention on the advice certain producer compression knitwear.

Remember, what dimensional tables w. different manufacturers have differences, a from degrees difficulties tables depends right matched size compression stocking, what guarantees positive the effect.
Choice size implemented on fundamental settings, their can measure with assistance professional on compression knitwear or to. Recommended make it in the morning or on expiration hour after recreation, raising legs up before level breast.

Necessary do measurements circle ankle, calves, v knee joint and v region hips (it on the 5 cm below region paho).

After of this  can at help tables producer define the size. V case, when measurements are average between specified v intervals, then it means, what v such products will maximally comfortable. If obtained measurement hit on the boundary indicators or generally v various pillars size, then necessary check right made measurements or contact per assistance to specialist, having experience v choosing compression products certain producer.

Buy compression knitwear on settings growth and weight not recommended, because how healing properties he not has. V mainly, his destinyit prevention varicose veins.

2) Choice class compression stockings

compression knitwear maybe assign only doctor, a exactly v such cases, when class compression more 20 Pick up necessary class compression will help such specialist, how phlebologist, engaged venous diseases. He does Ultrasound, a on his following appoints class, which the will correspond defined disease.

3) Compressionstockings not measure v dena

Compression products must have good quality, hence, answer world standards such. roda product. So measure compression should v millimeters mercut pillar (abbreviated, mm. rT. art., or mM. Hg.).
From of this can do conclusions o volume, what antibesic stockings, marking v dena, not relate to medical products and not remote therapeutic actions. Such knitwear maybe even eliminate. This happens v aspect smaller pressure compression on the ankle, how v region hips, what leads to stool fluid and deterioration state.

Process accommodation compression available only at help professional equipment. By this reason buy compression stockings desirable w. famous and proven manufacturers.

4) Price quality compression knitwear

Quality compression products cost expensive. This explained thread, what at process production apply materials, which possess high quality, wear resistance  and are antiallergenic. Products manufacture on the specialized equipment on most. modern technologies, a all process hard controlled. Everything it leads to tom, what price good compression stockings enough high.

Organizations, sales medtehnik, offer medical compression knitwear  valid manufacturers. All products it has clearly calculated compression. By this reason stockings have equally protivaricose impact. A their difference concludes v design, duration socks, and price.

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