Laser coagulation varicose veins

Laser coagulation varicose veins

The use of the laser method (EVLK) for the treatment of varicose veins leads to a guaranteed deliverance from the disease. It is able to eliminate all the cosmetic problems that appear after the expansion of the subcutaneous veins.

The essence of the method

The laser is used to heat the vein wall from the inside of the vessel. Under the action of the laser, the affected part of the veins is narrowed, the passages overlap. After some time, connective tissue appears, and Vienna is absorbed.

Technical support

The EVLC procedure is carried out using special software complexes, calculating the permissible laser energy for each specific case, selecting the radiation wavelength. Complexes are equipped with radial filaments that dispel the laser energy by 360 degrees. For the treatment of large-diameter veins, light guides of a special design are used, designed to heat the large areas.

Preparatory procedures

At the first visit, the doctor is examined by the limbs, based on the results of which the laser coagulation method is selected. EVLK is used on the veins of small diameters, in which case an operation is carried out without cuts. In addition, the phlebologist is assessed by the vehicle's passability, determines the presence of reverse blood flow. The diameter of varicose veins and wall thickness is measured. The measurement results are entered into the laser complex, which is a laser radiation mode by a special program.


Before the operation, the patient often make a sedative injection, which removes the alarm and tension. The patient may even fall asleep, but it is not anesthesia. Under ultrasound control, the puncture of varicose veins is performed through which a special light guide is installed in the vein cavity and is pulled to the connection site with a deep venous system. The area near the varicose vein is anesthesia by the Tümestscence method. Special solution creates a kind of case around the vessel. Turcency also protects the fabrics around the veins from the impact of the laser, squeezes Vienna and displaces blood from it. The procedure is controlled by an ultrasound method. After anesthesia, the laser complex is turned on. The light guards warms the walls of the vessel, and the retractor pulls it out of the vein. The temperature destroys the surface layer of veins, which makes it slippery. Cross places are stuck with a medical plaster.


Recovery period

Immediately after surgery, there are special postoperative stockings, properly distributing pressure, and on top of compression stockings that create a second compression degree. The feeling is painful, because compression is tangible. Stockings squeeze the veins, they stick together, begin to dissipate, then the stage of regeneration of veins comes. A week later, the lower stockings are removed, and the compression worn for another 3 weeks. Compression stockings Thin and elastic, long retain the required compression ratio. After 20-30 minutes, the patient can leave the medical office. Immediately you need to go through 4-5 km quick step. A few days should walk at least 1 hour walk.

Possible complications

After the operation, seals may appear along the veins and discomfort during walking. After 7 days they pass. The use of laser complexes of the last generation avoids similar troubles. The skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe operation partially loses sensitivity. This is due to a large number of injections for anesthesia.


After EVLK, there is a very small percentage of complications, so no rehabilitation period is required. Laser treatment allows you to maintain the ability to work and the normal lifestyle of the patient. In order for the operation to be successful, it is necessary to perform it in specialized clinics, where there is good technique and experienced doctors.

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