How erosion is cauterized

How erosion is cauterized

Cervical erosion is a common disease that every second woman faces. Treatment of erosion can be carried out in many ways - both drugs and operational.

Of course, most often erosion is cauterized, but such treatment is difficult to name a full operation. To remove the damaged layer from the cervix, the following methods are used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave coagulation.

How erosion is cauterized

Almost every district gynecologist in the procedural has an apparatus for electrocoagulation. When erosion is removed in this way, an electric current is passed through the damaged area. As a result of this, a burn is obtained. When heating the burns, the old damaged mucous membrane exfoliates, and the new appears. It is worth noting that this method of cauterization is used in the treatment of giving birth to women, since after manipulations there will be scars that prevent the onset of pregnancy. But due to the accessibility of the operation, it is the most common.

How erosion is cauterized

It is better to use cryodestruction or laser vaporization to remove erosion girls to remove erosion. After such an intervention, there are no scars. When erosion is cauterized by cryodestruction, the mucous membrane is frozen with liquid nitrogen. In the process of manipulation, pain may occur. After the procedure, the mucous membrane is restored for a month, so you cannot have sex during this period. It is not used for extensive damage. To remove deep erosion, several procedures may be needed.

How erosion is cauterized

To treat vast erosion, laser vaporization method is used. The damaged surface is removed using a laser beam. There remains a burn that is healing does not leave scars. It is used in private clinics. There are no such equipment in ordinary district clinics, so you need to ask your gynecologist a referral to the center where there is a laser.

How erosion is cauterized

The safest way to remove erosion is radio wave coagulation. It is used in Europe and America. In our country, such equipment is available only in progressive centers. The method is absolutely painless. Can be used in the treatment of unborn women.

How erosion is cauterized

Do not save on your health. Before deciding on electrocoagulation, you need to carefully consider everything. If you want to have children, then this method does not suit you. Rough scars can cause infertility or significantly complicate fertilization.

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