Wart on the heel, how to get rid of

Wart on the heel, how to get rid of

Fallen warts are not just a cosmetic defect, causing discomfort. This is a viral disease that is quite difficult to eliminate, despite the large number of methods of its treatment. But this does not mean that it is incurable. The main thing is to know the nature of this ailment and what he is "afraid." Therefore, we will examine why the wart appears on the heel, and how to get rid of it.

What is a sole beard

The heel wart - the visual manifestation of the papilloma virus of a rounded or oval shape to 1-2 cm in diameter. Usually it does not very much over the surface of the skin (literally for a couple of mm) and is almost no different from it in color. This virus is transmitted to the domestic path and "activated" in case of imminent immunity. That is, the growth process of warts can run any factor that can reduce the body's protective forces. For example, severe stress, food poisoning or infection, poor nutrition, overwork and overload. As a "launcher" in this case, there may be a violation of the integrity of the skin of the heel, injuries (inconvenient, incorrectly selected shoes) or deformation (osteoarthritis, flatfoot) of this area, violation of tissue tissues (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins).

Methods for removing plantar warts in clinics

The most effective way to remove such an education is to consult a doctor. Today, 4 methods of removing warts located on heels are used. The most effective of them - laser therapy is a fast, safe, almost painless method with a short period of recovery. Also, cryodestruction is also quite often used - the removal of liquid nitrogen growth. It is available and is quite effective. However, whether the scar will remain after the procedure and whether a new wart will grow in this place, in this case it all depends on the skill of a specialist. The cryodestruction itself is sufficiently painful, and the restoration after it is a long (about a week). To remove warts on the heels, electrocoagulation is also used, but only in the case of "fresh" growths. It does not hurt, but the scar will remain. The last method of this four is surgical. Today, this method of getting rid of warts is rarely applied, since the wound after such an intervention heals a very long time, painfully with the formation of a scar.

Pharmacy means against plantar warts

The pharmaceutical industry also has a lot of means that can get rid of such formations on the heel, subject to a clear following instructions. These include drugs with anti-virus action - "Viferon" and "Panavir", based on acids - "Salcoderm", "Salicyl Acid", "Kolomak", "Salipod", with a mumstic effect - "Ferrezol" and "Verpecacid". There are preparations based on the action of which the cold is "Krofarma", "Warner Cryo". To get rid of the growths on the heel, you can use oils (castor, black cumin, tea tree), iodine, "super celandine".

Home Treatment Warts on Heels Plants

Many ways to get rid of warts on heels offer and traditional medicine - in particular with the help of plants. For example, the folk panacea from warts is considered to be juice or extract. To remove in this way of growth, you need to rub it with a cleaning 3-4 times a day about 21 days. A similar action also has horseradished, but it is necessary to use it differently: the grinding root of the plant is superimposed on the pre-sparkled wart, covered with a film or cellophane, is fixed with a bandage or plaster and left on the leg overnight.

Vinegar against plantar warts

Another leader in the fight against warts of the "from the people" is vinegar, or rather, the compositions are based on it. Although there are reviews that remove the wart can be treated alone with acetic essence. Especially effective are the combinations of phytoncides with acetic acid: pour the bulb or garlic chickens or a tooth with a cinema essence for a couple of hours, after which one of the pieces attach to the growth and secure the plaster. Leave such compress all night. It is recommended to repeat the procedure to apparently effect. With acetic acid, you can also mix flour or lemon zest.

How to make a wart processing efficient

For the maximum effect from pharmacy or home remedies, before applying it is a good spark in the heel and remove the eroded cells from the wart using a special brush or pumice. Considering that most of the listed means to remove such growths on the skin has an aggressive composition, protect healthy skin around the wart. For example, before applying the selected means, glue the heel to the area with the formation of the plaster, making a hole in it in size of the wart. Thus, the tool will only fall on the thief.

Choosing a way to remove warts on the heel, note that incorrect or incomplete treatment can lead to a recurrence of the disease. Therefore, consult a doctor: first, it will identify the accurate diagnosis, secondly, will determine for you the most optimal method of treatment. And I will add that there are cases where the restored immunity coped himself with warts. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to both your internal protection.

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Olga 18/07/2020 at 20:57

I first sprinkled the skin in hot water, with the addition of soap and soda, then the horny cutters cut off the horns. And already on a dry, prepared wart applied a thoruccide several times in a row with a break to dried. By the way, it was not painful, and the wart got rid of.


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