Wart on the heel what to do

Wart on the heel what to do

Fallen warts deliver pain and strong discomfort to their owners. Such formations indicate the penetration of the virus and the weakening of immunity. In this article, we will consider the reasons for the formation of warts and how to treat them.

Why warts arise on the heels

It was found that the appearance of warts was caused by a human papilloma virus (HPV). It penetrates the body through small cracks, which are often on the heels. You can grab the virus in the pool, the gym, on the beach, etc. With a healthy immunity, HPV leaves the body for 6-12 months, and with a weakened - goes into an active condition and provokes the appearance of warts.

Signs of heel warts

Education arises gradually. First, a plot with a shiny surface appears. Over time, it is covered with tubercles and becomes rude. The color of the site can be white, yellow or coincided with skin color. He will gradually darken. If you do not take any measures, the wart will begin to grow up loudly and deep into it, which will bring its owner strong painful sensations. At the initial stage, the wart can be confused with a corner. The latter can be easily eliminated by sprinkling the leg and remove the flapid layer. This is how the sole warts look like.

Treatment of warts on heels

To eliminate education, you must contact the dermatologist. The doctor will be able to carefully remove it and prescribe a special therapy that will translate the HPV virus into an inactive state. Wart can be removed surgical and non-surgical path. Consider all possible options:

  1. Electro-generation. Wart cut off with a special tool using current. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. This method is used for fresh formations. He will not be able to remove old, large or deep warts.
  2. Cryodestruction. The wart is frozen by liquid nitrogen, which disrupts its supply. Over the course of several days, destroyed education is coming independently.
  3. Laser therapy. It is the most low-onedic and fast method. His advantage is the absence of traces. Most experts consider laser treatment as the safest and progressive method.
  4. Surgical intervention. This treatment method is applied in very rare cases when education reaches too large. The operation passes with the use of anesthesia and surgical scalpel.


Prior to a visit to the doctor, you can try to eliminate the wart yourself, but note that the virus will remain in an active condition, and this is fraught with the appearance of new formations. Block the growth of warts and eliminate it with the help of a cleanliness juice or acetic essence. Place your heel and treat it one of the money. The procedure must be carried out twice a day, up to the complete disappearance of the wart (it can take a month). To protect healthy skin from a chemical burn, cut a hole in the leukoplasty in the size of the formation and stir on the heel. Then apply for wart a therapeutic agent and get another plaster from above.

Prevention of warts

To protect yourself from penetration and activate the virus, follow simple recommendations:

  • Bring a healthy lifestyle. Observe the mode of the day, start to eat correctly, do exercise, more often walk in the fresh air and try to positively refer to what is happening around. Once every six months, be sure to use balanced vitamin complexes.
  • Collecting in the sauna or pool, take slippers with you. Do not forget to follow hygiene - wash your legs every evening and clean the heels from the flap leather once a week. With an increased sweating, you do not wear close shoes for a long time, and from time to time use before bedtime bath with medicinal herbs.
  • Try not to injure the skin. Magnificent damage process with antiseptics. Thus, the wart will have much less chance.

At the first signs of the appearance of the wart, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. The absence of timely therapy can lead to the spread of neoplasms throughout the sole. Treatment of numerous warts is much more complicated and longer.

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Alina 01/08/2020 at 11:43.

To remove the wart on the heel, you first need to remove the upper rooting layers. To do this, you can split the skin in hot water, with the addition of soap and soda. And then to the prepared wart need to be applied a thrush, it is applied several times, every time giving to dry. And after a few days, the wart will not.

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