How to get rid of papilloma around the neck

How to get rid of papilloma around the neck

Papilloma is a benign formation, protruding above the skin, light brown, brown or reddish-brown. These formations, although they do not harm, create inconvenience, especially women who are shy about walking with an open neck.

In addition to inconvenience, papillomas can be transformed into malignant tumors, so doctors recommend getting rid of them.

Where do papillomas come from on the neck?

The cause of papillomas is a very common human papillomavirus or HPV abbreviated. Having become infected with this virus, a person on the body may also have warts and cancer of the genitals.

People with weakened immunity are especially susceptible to disease. You can become infected with a virus in several ways:

  • Sexually.
  • When using the things of a person with this human virus.
  • A child can become infected from a mother at birth.

How to remove papillomas around the neck?

There are several methods of removing papillomas:

  • Laser removal. The laser beam completely destroys viral cells. Healing occurs quickly. During the procedure, there is no pain and there are no traces either.
  • Removal with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction. The procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 ° C. In the place where the procedure is done, tingling and cold are felt. A few days later, papilloma disappears, there are no traces.
    The disadvantage of the method: papillomas may again appear in the same place in the future.
  • Removal by current. This method is suitable for those people who have a lot of papillomas around their neck. The current destroys completely viral cells.
    The disadvantage of the method: small scars may remain.
  • Removal of drugs. This method is used if papillomas grow slowly and nothing else, except for a non -aesthetic appearance, do not bother. There are 3 types of drugs: on the basis of acid - salicylic ointment, heals small inflammation of the skin and removes papillomas, warts. The antiviral agent - oxolin ointment, and other analogues, acts on the virus. Plant drug "Stefalin".
  • Removal by the surgical method. The surgical method is resorted to if papilloma is large, and other methods are ineffective.

What to do so that papillomas on the neck no longer appear?

Even if you removed papillomas, but the virus remained in the body, papillomas may appear again. Along with the removal of papillomas, you need to destroy the virus. But how to do it? You need to adhere to the following points:

  • Eat right, use more vitamins and trace elements.
  • Harden the body.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Take care of cuts and scratches.
  • Once a year, undergo examinations.
  • Do not allow nervous overloads.

If you have papillomas around the neck, they need to be removed in a medical institution, you can not engage in self -medication.

Comments leave a comment
Kristina 07/21/2017 at 21:27

After giving birth, for some reason appeared on my neck, on the left side. A whole family, hanging. And it seems that they did not cause concern, but my hands just scratched them to tear them. A friend advised to anoint Clareol - she removed so -so on her back. I smear two weeks-almost everything passed, but white spots-shramiki remained. I hope they’ll come down.

Lena 10/01/2020 at 0:15

I deleted Werrukacida, which I applied several times in a row, letting it dry each time, and that’s it. The papillomas at first turned white, then blackened, and then, four after applying the solution, they completely disappeared.


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