Rings on the neck, how to get rid of

Rings on the neck, how to get rid of

Horizontal wrinkles on the neck, also known as “Venus Rings” are a common problem for women of different ages. Often the reason for their appearance is not in aging or age -related changes, but in the lifestyle and structure of the neck. Below we will consider all possible ways to deal with them.

The wrong position of the neck

A common cause of wrinkles on the neck is its incorrect position during sleep, work, rest. Therefore, instead of traditional high pillows, it is better to choose ergonomic modern, flat, taking the shape of the head. Thus, the neck will not bend at the wrong angle, and its skin will be crushed for 7-8 hours. The same applies to reading, writing or working at the computer. It is desirable that the text or monitor be on the same horizontal line with the eyes, with an even or slightly tilted spine. If you are hunching, too tilted over the table or clock, peering into the letters, this will certainly affect not only the skin of the neck, but also on the musculoskeletal apparatus as a whole. Moreover, incorrect posture acquired in the indicated way is preserved during walking. To fix it, try to resort to simple and effective technique. Put the book thicker on the crown and go around the house with it for a while, trying to keep the subject from falling without hands.

Proper skin care

Since the thyroid zone is very delicate and vulnerable (like the entire skin of the neck), only a light massage is allowed here. Make it daily, careful patting of the fingertips, simultaneously with the application of nutritious and moisturizers. For the skin of the neck, it is advisable to have a separate, special cream, for example, Neckplex, Cosmedica Skincare,Dermarie Neck & Decollete Firming Anti-Auging Skin Cream and others. Be sure to choose caring cosmetics within your age period. Every week, contrasting compresses should be carried out, which will also be good for the neckline. For several minutes, wrap your neck and chest with a hot towel, after that is cold, repeat again. In conclusion, apply the chosen cream. Another useful procedure is masks that carefully take care of the skin, nourish and rejuvenate it. For example, prepare a mask from a banana and a few drops of almond oil. The mixture is applied evenly for 20 minutes, 2 times a week, for 10 classes. As an alternative, use olive oil wrapping. Apply heated oil to the neck, wrap it with gauze, warm up well and hold for 20 minutes, then wash off.

Exercises against the wrinkles of the neck

To combat Venus's Rings has long been used special complexes of exercises that need to start as early as possible, preferably before serious wrinkles appear. Here are the most important of them:

  • Sit in a convenient position and reject your head back, raising your chin up. Describe small semicircles to them left and right, pulling the chin forward. Make 10 semicircles in each direction, relax, repeat the exercise.
  • From the same position, try carefully, but to move your head to the left and right as far as possible, without moving your shoulders. For stability of the hand, you can rest on the case. Make 10 repetitions and rest.
  • Take a soft pillow or towel, press it to the forehead and hold it with your hands (so as not to stretch and not injure the skin of the face). Now, with an effort, press on the forehead, and give opposition to your hands with your neck. Do the exercise up to 10 seconds, after rest and repeat 5-6 times.

A radical solution for the fight against neck wrinkles is medical procedures for grinding the skin, chemical peeling, the introduction of Botox or other implants.

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