How to get rid of nasolabial folds

How to get rid of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds - the first sign that the skin loses its elasticity, and the process of aging begins. And let it not be completely stopped, but you can noticeably slow down, restore, tighten and refresh the skin of the face.

Prevention of nasolabial folds

How to delay the appearance of nasolabial folds and wrinkles:

  • On the day you need to drink at least two liters of water, but much liquid should not be used for the night.
  • Fruits, vegetables and other products rich in antioxidants will help keep skin in tone.
  • The alpha hydro acids contained in the creams contribute to the updating of cells.
  • Natural oils will help maintain elasticity and skin moisture.
  • A regular use of masks should be included in the habit, at least 2-3 times a week.

Exercises for skin suspenders

Each exercise from the complex is performed about 20 times in one approach:

  1. The lips are folded into the tube and stretch, as when pronouncing the letter "y".
  2. Loud and clearly pronounce vowel letters.
  3. Inflatable cheeks and hold them in this position. Release air and relax muscles.
  4. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one with the difference that the air is released in small portions, shocks.
  5. The mouth must be widely disclosed, and the lips at the same time hold in the form of the right circle.
  6. Good face muscle training will be an ordinary balloon.

Japanese face massage

Massage is best done with various nutritional oils:

  • Together join the index and the average fingers of both hands and massage the folds. First moving up-up, and then on the contrary.
  • After that, the skin is smoothed towards the bridges to the chests.
  • By connecting all your fingers, except for a large, face stroke through the contour. First, from the bridges to the temples, and then to the chests and neck.
  • Inside the mouth, massage movements along the folds are made.

Anti-aging cream

Regardless of the brand that produces wrinkle cream, the means must contain albumin, argan oil, collagen, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and its salts. Of course, it is better to give preference to famous manufacturers.

Homemade mask

A mask from wrinkles can be prepared from 100 grams of breast and a tablespoon of gelatin. These components are mixed together and heated on a water bath to dissolve the crystals of gelatin. Then there are several drops of jojoba oil or wheat germs. The mixture is well stirred, cooled and applied to problem areas of the skin. Delete 15-20 minutes later.


The Mesoroller apparatus is a massage roller on which thin small needles are fixed, up to 1.5 mm long. The needle massage procedure is painful and unpleasant, but contributes to the influx of lymphs and collagen generation.

Cosmetic and Medical Procedures

In the fight against nasolabial folds, such procedures will help you:

  • Biorevitalization - This procedure implies administration under the skin of hyaluronic acid by means of a laser or injectable. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Trendlifting (Mesoni) is a cosmetic surgery, during which the doctor introduces a special thread under the skin, it pulls up the muscles and contributes to the development of collagen. After a few weeks, the thread is absorbed, and the effect remains for some time.
  • The contour plastic is the process of introducing under the skin of the so-called phillers, means that push the skin from the inside, and it becomes an elastic and smooth outside. The result is saved for about a year.

Whatever way of dealing with folds you choose, always need to remember that the condition of the skin of the face is a reflection of the health of the whole organism, which you need to take care in the first place.

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Dana 10/06/2020 at 12:07.

I in my time I tried so much .... This is just horror. Recently, I use Laura with stem cells edelweiss-like, well, the wrinkles smoothes. Well, in general, I try to make any different masks to do-on honey, with cucumbers, with aloe .... I think, when you combine everything together, then you see the results. Now progress went ... it pleases))

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