How to get rid of mimic wrinkles

How to get rid of mimic wrinkles

Every day we smile, starving forehead in thought, raising your eyebrows in surprise - in a word, emotionally react to everything that happens around. But even on the young skin of the face, emotions invariably leave traces. These traces turn into a real problem for a woman who wants to look young, are mimic wrinkles.

The most effective way to combat mimic wrinkles is the elimination of their reasons. Unfortunately, stop smiling and strain the muscles of the face at the moments of stress it is impossible. However, something to decrease the intensity of wrinkles and for their prevention you can already right now when you read this article. Relax face muscles. Think about whether it is necessary to shift the eyebrows to read the text? What will help you in the assimilation of information that you frowned forehead and turned the skin on it in the fold? The more often you will think about how your face reacts to what is happening and how it looks at this moment, the less wrinkles will be collected around your eyes, on the forehead, on the nose. Do not make your face work with you. Otherwise, after a labor day, you will not only feel the fatigue of the whole organism, but also give the skin of the face new rays of wrinkles.

Simple exercises will help reduce already emerging wrinkles and prevent new ones. Such exercises are best spent on the night when all cosmetics from the face are removed, the skin is cleaned and relaxed before bedtime. Apply a moisturizing cream or oil on clean fingers. Oil can use coconut, almond, castor, olive. All steps of exercises repeat 5 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

  1. Forehead:
    • start to smooth out wrinkles from the middle of the forehead to its edges;
    • palms pull the skin of the forehead, as if trying to raise eyebrows.
  2. Eyes. The skin around the eye is very thin and gentle, be careful not to injure her:
    • work out a neat circular motion with your fingers over the skin, starting from the corner of the eye and ending at the inner part thereof;
    • gently pat with fingertips around the eyes.
  3. Nose:
    • nose clamp and draw finger pressing slightly to the nose;
    • press the pits at the wings of the nose.
  4. Mouth and cheeks:
    • circular movements massage the skin from the middle of the chin to the nose, from the corner of the lips to the ears, from the nostrils to the temples.

In the shops you will find cosmetics cream with the effect of Botox that will help you in solving your problem.

Will become an effective tool and masks from natural products, when applied regularly. Let's look at a few simple recipes such masks.

Once rid-of-vesnushek3

Honey - a real natural healer who copes with many skin problems, rejuvenating it. Oatmeal perfectly cleanse and renew the skin. To prepare the mask, you will need:

  • 3 tbsp.l. cooked oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp Honey.

Ingredients mix, cool to room temperature and put on a well-cleansed face. Rinse after 15 minutes.

Gelatin contains active collagen. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity, but with age it begins to be produced by the body more slowly. To replenish collagen reserves, apply a mask made of gelatin. And it is the first and surest way of dealing with facial wrinkles any intensity. Required ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. dry gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. glycerol;
  • beaten egg white of one egg.

Stir thoroughly and apply on face for 30 minutes. After removing the mask, moisten skin cream for the face.

The first facial wrinkles, no matter what age they may arise, - it is just a signal that the skin needs extra care. Even deep wrinkles that have long been settled on your face - not a sentence. You'll be surprised how shine and rejuvenate your skin after application we described masks and exercise facilities.

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 12.22.2014 at 15:33

Photo of syringes does not add optimism 🙂

To answer
Svetlana Igorevna 09.09.2020 at 12:17

What a terrible picture on the cover of the article, I'm generally afraid of injections, and even on the face - very panic. Although recently I have tended to this - in my 50 difficult without them. Thank you friend - brought me miaflou cream. I take 2 months, and the results are already visible - fine lines smoothed and deeply less noticeable.

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