Face massage from Joel Siokko

Face massage from Joel Siokko

Make lifting faces and carry out a large-scale skin rejuvenation without interference with plastic surgeons. Dreams or reality? Thanks to the sculptural massage of the face Joel Soko - reality! How at home this is done - learn in the article.

Face massage from Joel Siokko requires professional skills and knowledge of the anatomy of the face muscles. The duration of the procedure is more than 40 minutes, it is recommended to women from 25 years with regularity from 2 times a month, depending on the level of wrinkles. The massage of the French specialist in the field of cosmetology will help not only get rid of existing, but also prevent the emergence of future wrinkles.

The problems that the French Manipulation are designed to fight:

  • Deterioration of the color of the skin and its elasticity, the loss of elasticity and the destruction of the cell structure;
  • Vagueness contour of the face;
  • Swelling in soft tissues;
  • Double chin;
  • Deepest folds and wrinkles.

By massage, affecting the facial wrinkles, removing the spasm of the face muscles and activating the unused muscles, you improve the lymphatic drainage of deep layers of the skin, as well as activate the neuroreceptor bonds on the surface.

The uniqueness of the sculptural massage lies in the deep kneading of the muscles of the face. Joel Siokko itself says that it can be easily done at home. The only difference is that the effect will not be so fast and intense. Alone, the warm muscles of your face, you will achieve an increase in tone, improve the rehabilitation properties of cells and enhance the blood circulation of the skin.

Massage make daily before bedtime, after we wash all the cosmetics and clean the skin. Before massage, you do not need to apply the cream. But immediately after the procedure, hurry to apply your favorite cream, since this massage allows you to strengthen the effect of cosmetics. For each exercise, you will spend about a minute, so take the clock and speake time.

The first stage lies in the actions that allow you to increase the Lymph current. Three fingers (Unnamed, middle and index) Press on the skin of the face. Move down the direction from top to bottom from the hair growth line to the neckline zone. Repeat these movements until the predetermined time expires, so you reduce the swelling and improve the complexion.

Next minute you have to raise the elasticity of the skin. Make a big and index fingers to make movements, as if painting themselves for different parts of the face. Manipulations here are based on tension, but not too aggressive. Thoroughly worry every plot: forehead, lips, neck, skin around the eyes.

At the end of the skin stimulation procedure from Johl Siokko, make light tapping, improving blood circulation. Five hands tapping on the cheeks, cheeks, forehead, neck, ears. A minute later, the skin will acquire a pinkish shade, which will quickly pass if you did everything right. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to knock the tips of the fingertips to knock.

Upon completion of the massage, apply the cream to enhance the rejuvenating effect and giving the skin of the shiny.

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