Japanese face massage asah

Japanese face massage asah

Japanese women up to the most revered age look like young girls. One of the secrets of their youth is a special massage, called Asahi (also referred to as Zogan or Soghan). This word is translated as "creating a face." Below we will learn to do it.

History of Japanese massage

The "Asahi" manipulations are already many hundred years, because they were invented by old Japanese physicians and healers. The interest in the massage of the face was revived after the numerous publications of Yukuko Tanaki, the Japanese style icon, an expert on youth, beauty and visa. After studying the traditional technicians Zogan, Yukuko created and offered the public new, their own methods. The latter include not only centuries' wisdom of centuries, but also modern achievements of science. The technique of forming a face in the style of "Asahi" is divided into several types, depending on its shape and completeness.

As Assah is valid

The principle of rejuvenating work of the Japanese massage of the face is based on deep exposure through special "beauty points". Zogan experts explain it like this: manipulations improve the skin nutrition, contribute to the withdrawal of toxins, resorbing swelling, swelling, normalization of the metabolism of the cover. In addition, during Asahi, excessive compressed muscles relax, vessels are strengthened, small and large wrinkles are leaving. Pressure technique excludes further skin stretching. The Tanaki itself claims that after a few lessons you will look like 10 years younger.

Face Massage Technique Asahi

The main rule during the massage Zogan is to focus on your own feelings. Pressing should be done with effort, but not causing pain or other subjectively unpleasant sensations. Carefully envelope the location of lymph nodes. The average duration of the procedure is from 3 to 6 minutes. Previously, the person must be cleaned from cosmetics, wash with warm water and apply a light cream or milk. You can add several droplets of essential oils. All strokes are carried out along the vessels of the lymphatic system, from the center to the periphery, along the chin and cheeky to the neck.

Contraindications and caution

Massage should not be carried out if there are rashes, inflammations or other symptoms of diseases. Refrain from massage during colds or poor well-being. If you are a warest person, massage only its upper part, otherwise the chin and cheekbones can lose weight even more. Asahi massage is very effective against a fat layer, however, the skin often does not have time to stretch after its disappearance. If you notice the slimming of the face and the deepening of wrinkles, do not worry, this is a temporary phenomenon. Continue to make a massage, and in a week-other skin will return the elasticity and smooth out the folds.

After the massage, it is necessary to clear the face again, removing the milk or other basis. After the procedure, the pores will open, and the various "exhaust" substances will come out of them. If you leave the massage base on the skin, pores will be clogged.

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