Honey Facial Massage - Entity and Methodology

Honey Facial Massage - Entity and Methodology

Medical properties of honey are known for a long time. It is used not only for the treatment of colds, but also for cosmetics. Using honey as a basis for a facial massage, you can turn dim and tired skin into shining health. In addition, harmful toxins are derived, the pores and removal of black points occurs.

For the performance of honey massage faces at home, special training is not required. And in the process of the procedure itself there is no soreness, since the main movement lies in the easy grossing of honey into the skin.

The medical massage of the face perfectly suits the owners of problem, oily or combined skin. If inflammatory sections or irritation are detected on the cheeks, the procedure should be postponed to avoid the manifestation of allergies.

Before proceeding with the process of performing honey massage, it is necessary to prepare materials for work. When choosing a honey, pay attention to its consistency. It should be homogeneous, without supracted particles. Make sure that the hair does not fall on the face during the procedure.

Next you need to clean the skin with micellar water or tonic. This will help remove pollution and remnants of cosmetic products. Then apply a thin layer prepared honey on the entire surface of the skin of the face, exciting nose, cheeks and forehead. For uniform coating, use a wooden spatula, a brush or pillow of your fingers. After that, leave honey on your face for 5-10 minutes. During this time, part of it will penetrate into the upper layers of the skin.

Massage Start from the front zone and continue to massage all other areas of the skin. Try to rub the honey with slow patches. It should not be strongly pressed on the skin, since the process itself is aimed at relaxing muscles. During the honey massage, you can watch how honey will start changing the color of yellow tones on white. This suggests that the procedure is going on right and harmful toxic substances are derived from the body.

If honey already looks dirty, then it costs to wash off with warm water and re-apply a new layer. The procedure to continue up to 10 minutes. The frequency of its implementation should be 2-3 times a week. If there is discomfort or light burning during the massage, the process must be suspended to avoid rashes.

After a honey massage face, the skin becomes a healthy appearance. Deadly skin particles are removed, thereby provoking the appearance of a new epithelium. If small wrinkles are present on the face, then after a few procedures they smooth.

Despite the many positive moments of the honey massage of the face, there are limitations in which this procedure is prohibited. If bronchial asthma is revealed, diathesis, furunculosis, hormonal failure, or blood clotting is broken, the use of honey is undesirable. You should also make sure the absence of allergies to bee products.

In order to get a beautiful and healthy skin of the face, a few minutes to pay for a honey massage. The procedure does not require additional preparation, and its effective result will continue for a long time.

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