New word in the field of physiotherapy became sculpture Massage according to the method of Dr. Andrei Grebennikova. Massage technology meets its name, where the doctor acts as a sculptor and literally “lepit “ From the patient the desired silhouette. Often sculpture Massage is used as one of the elements of the correction of the figure.
Sculpture massage - Methodology accented impact on muscles and subcutaneous fat cells. Wherein The metabolic processes of the organism are taken into account. With this method maybe decrease volumes defined Plots of body before3.5 centimeters or increase before2.5 centimeters per 1 massage course. This The technique has two main directions: correction of the subcutaneous layer of fat with a decrease in its amount or an increase in muscle tissue. One or another correction is made according to defined periods of women's monthly cycles. So, for example, during the first 2 weeks After the end of the monthly female organism got “extremely “ With difficulty, i.e. reduction correction volumes It will be unambiguously ineffective. Therefore, in this time interval, the main actions of the massage therapist are aimed at “bare “ Subcutaneous fatty tissue. For this, rubbing and kneading are applied. The following 14 days of the specialist st pr.and help defined receptions “squeezes “ slags in the direction of large lymph nodes that in consequence The fiber splitting products from the body will be removed.From contraindications to this type of massage, veins are distinguished, various types of tumors, extensive hematomas, injuries, acute inflammatory processes. Also analyzed age and patient indicators, such as blood pressure, condition cardiovascular Systems and only after conducted The survey is made a decision on the admissibility of these procedures.