Massage hot stones

Massage hot stones

Therapy with the use of hot stones was used by many millennia ago, our ancestors believed in their magic properties, because the power of the nature and energy of the space is concentrated in them. The modern method of massage with hot stones is an already available and current heritage of the wisest civilizations, combining the ancient practice and the current level of accumulated centuries-old knowledge.

To fulfill this exotic procedure, only semi-precious and natural stones of volcanic origin are used, which have magical properties. Such stones are a battery of positive and therapeutic energy, filled with elements of all elements (water, fire, air and water). Most often, basalt stones are used in the Stounterapics, they, thanks to the cellular structure, are slowly cooled, generously giving their heat and healing power. The energy of stones in combination with thermal exposure neutralizes the negative, relieves the stress, stress, contributes to the emergence of harmony with the environment. A person becomes reasonable, calm, he more weigly and balanced all his surrounding.

In the process of massage, as a result of the thermal exposure of stones on the entire body, the metabolic processes and the saturation of tissue with oxygen are activated. Blood due to the deep heating of the body (up to 4 cm), it is much faster circulating, which contributes to the effective removal of toxins. The main feature of the massage with hot stones is deep vibration oscillations, stimulating nerve fibers and a red bone marrow (such effects are particularly tangible when breeding the seeded nerve, radiculitis). It is impossible to achieve this.

The main goal of massage by stones is a relaxing effect on the whole organism, however, in combination with reflex and physiotherapy, good results can be achieved in improving the health of health. Massage techniques with hot stones are different and depend on the practitioner's master. The usual duration of the procedure is from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Natural materials are heated to 45-50 degrees in the sun, in hot sand or hot water, then stacked on all sensitive zones. Semi-precious stones are used as activators of point-chakras, they charge the body with positive energy, after all the negative will be eluccued with volcanic "peckere".

Massage with hot stones begins with preheating body, using massage oils. After on the biologically active points of the surface of the back, legs, hands, the palms of the massage therapist folds the stones, not bypassing any area (the stones are put even between the fingers of the legs). Then the specialist gradually using the natural material, starts to rub, press and stroke certain zones on your body. The whole process begins with stop, gradually moving to his feet, back, hands, chest, neck and face.

Stonemasha has a prolonged action, there is no need to hold it a course. After the session, the feeling of the effect is observed within 7-10 days, so such a massage is enough to do once a week. If you decide to massage with hot stones, pay attention to contraindications to this procedure:

  • cardiac and vascular diseases;
  • arterial hypotension or hypertension;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, acne, etc.) and its integrity disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • damage to the spine;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • oncooked.

If you need anti-stress therapy, they suffer insomnia, migraines and overweight, you are worried about pain in the joints and various spine departments - your perfect and natural medicine will be a massage with hot stones.

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