How to make back massage

How to make back massage

Spin massage - a great way to make a pleasant loved one. Through massage, you can help your partner get rid of both physical fatigue and voltage during stress and emotional shocks, since the kneading muscles affects the nervous system. Learning the massage technique at home is easy. The main rule is wishing to delight, do not harm. Therefore, during the procedure, it is necessary to strictly comply with some recommendations.

The back massage lasts an average of 20 minutes before half an hour. You can use auxiliary tools: creams, gels, aromatic oils. This is recommended, but not a mandatory element of the procedure. Spin massage is an event in intense, full energy, deep exposure to muscles and nerve receptors.

There is a scheme for which muscle stimulation is produced. Violation of the rules of this orientation can lead to the fact that you will cause harm to muscles. From the spine and neck, move towards the armpits, in the lumbar section, make manipulation towards groin.


Place a person on a hard sofa. The torso should be located on a flat surface and not drown in soft pillows. Massage will be more effective if you apply gels and oils so that your hands freely slide on the back. However, at home, a massage option is possible on top of clothing when the massable seats on the chair.

The first stage of the procedure is preparatory. In this part of the massage, active naughs and sharp movements are contraindicated. Manipulation with hands take place at ease. You are preparing a zone to subsequent exposure, "familiarize" the skin with the touch of your hands. Then it is necessary to warm up the subcutaneous layers, for which, with hardly tangible pressure, rub the back in the right directions.

The second stage implies the energetic stimulation of the muscles of the back and is the longest. Take the following methods:

  1. Catch your fingers as if you perform manual washing. Move manipulation with hands according to the correct massage lines.
  2. Through thumbs up with the power in the skin, as if pin the buttons.
  3. Perform tangible manipulations along the spine, making fingers small sensitive nashams.
  4. Mass the back as if we knead the dough. At the same time, fix large parts of the muscles in the fingers.
  5. Quickly tap the knuckles of fingers, fists, ribs of palms, creating vibration on the back.

The final stage is similar to the preparatory and is a sedative session after exposure. Perform light, calm touch palms on the skin.

Be careful, observe all the recommendations, and the massage will become not only a source of pleasure for your loved one, but also a drug.

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