How to do foot massage

How to do foot massage

After an actively spent day, our legs need relaxation. With this task, the massage is best coped with this, because thanks to him the blood circulation is restored, the outflow of lymph is improved, muscles relax. Having learned to massaging the legs, we will help you to have a close person to truly relax and resume strength.

Apply massage cream or cosmetic oil into the hands. Shot a little in his palms so that a person does not have discomfort due to the contrast of temperatures. Relaxed legs with neat strokes, make sure that the body is not tightened and ready to procedure.

Start from the foot. Mass the upper part of it with circular motions and gradually go out on the sole. Here, special attention is paid to the heel: it is coarse enough on it, so the movements should be strong. Big fingers draw circles across the area of \u200b\u200bheels, and then make cross movements (fingers alternately glide up and down). Slide, tap plot. Go to the wpadine on the foot, massaging it with knuckles clamped in a fist, then make movements similar to the squeezing of the towel. Stimulate and pillows with a fist and foot pads. If you sufficiently relaxed a partner, he will not be shy or unpleasant.

Pay attention to each finger. Gently move the skin from the nail to the base, obscure all the joints. Pull the finger slightly. If at the same time there are hopping sounds and they do not deliver a person to discomfort, you can continue. Walking along the hollows between your fingers, in each moving forward-back.

Big fingers pull up and down the achyllate tendon, repeat 4-5 times. In the same way, disarm the ankle, then put your fingers on the protruding bones on both sides of the leg and massaging the skin near them. Lock the leg slightly above the ankle, another worship the foot and rotate it clockwise and in the opposite direction.

The caviar area will warm up the rubbing. We work with knuckles long leg muscles. Capture soft caviar fabric and move it from the ankle to the poned cup. Bend the leg in the knee and return it to its original position, repeat several times. Pull the muscles slightly by pressing the foot of the bent leg.

The thigh massaging in the same way as the shin. If the situation allows, the engineering muscles can be rented active movements.

End the massage is needed smoothly, applying the minimum effort. Light stroking with the whole palm should be changed by barely noticeable touch of fingertips. In this case, the partner will feel complete relaxation and ease.

Finally, we want to lead the general advice:

  • Oil or cream use moderately, otherwise your hands will be too slippery for high-quality massage.
  • When brushes are tired, shake them up to five times. This will make it possible to remove the voltage and continue the procedure.
  • Be extremely careful, going to make a foot massage with a pregnant or patient diabetes, hypertension.
  • Equally obscure both legs so that the partner's sensations do not differ.
  • Travelers for the convenient position of the partner. The perfect option is lying on the back, it is permissible to sit comfortably in the chair. If a person lies, put the rolled towel under the knees, so that blood goes well to the footsteps and the muscles were not tense.

Full relaxes together with massage provides light music or a serene soft conversation. If the setting is romantic, the candles do not interfere. But the main guarantee of high-quality foot massage is your desire to delight and help to cope with fatigue.

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