How to make a guy massage

How to make a guy massage

Massage, perhaps, the best gift is close mu Mutskin. During the massage, you will open new abilities, learn to relax partner, excite and give a part of yourself. The effect depends on your skills and skills. We offer a small tour to the world of art and pleasure.

Create a having atmosphere. Massage can be done both in the bathroom and in the bedroom. If this is a bathroom, type the driver with the addition of aromatic foam. Light candles, turn on soft rhythmic music. If the massage is in the room, follow the temperature. Soft muted light, clean bed, pleasant aroma, warm Air - already have a pleasant rest.

Start the massage in the bathroom. Offer a man to wash your head - he will like it. Discard the washcloth and massage your back with your hands. Avoid delicate zones. After the bathroom, move to the bedroom.

Prepare massage oil. Fill the room incense. Control the microclimate of the room: it should not be stuffy, cold and driving. Do not proceed to the process in the gloomy dark The setting or excessive bright lighting. Ideally, this evening it's time - sunset or later than the time of day with grilled candles.

Erotic massage contributes not only to relax muscle tone, but also excitement. Accordingly, you need to manipulate movements so as not to burn parquetAnd at the same time, not "rearrange." Combine soft playful movements with more pronounced and intense - it will allow a man to stick in a tone. If we are talking about erotic massage, then the hands are not the only one tool. You can attract lips, spout, loose hair, ass, chest.

Start massage from the legs. Drink each finger by changing the intensity. Take note: There are strong sex faces that glue when women's sponges kiss and envelop thumbs. After the massage of the toes, proceed to foots or palms. Remember, your movements should occur with increasing pressure intensity, that is, start reception fingers, go to the palm and finish receptionbrush hands.

Not Stay: Each moment any part of the body should have a close contact with partner. Smoothly move to the back. Movement direct from the neck to the belt line with a smooth change of intensity. There is a reason to linger on the buttocks, if you pursue the purpose of erotic massage. Ask a man to change the position and roll over the back. Here movements should be asked for a slow pace, pay attention to the nipples. Contrary to stereotypes, men's nipples are the most powerful erogenous zone, however, as the area around the navel. You can choose Circular Movement with your finger and tongue.

Avoid touching the genitals, regardless of what is the purpose of your massage. If the excitation enters your plans, then attention should be paid to the perineum. Affectionately stroke, knead and drive the palm along the inside of the hip, intentionally ignoring the touch to intimate authorities. Waiting for touch will cause a man's passion and the desire to master you. If you delicately pass these zones, then be prepared for the fact that massage gone to a new level.

Make a variety in movement, despite what massage you do. Erotic elements are certainly welcome and contribute to the removal of both muscle and nervous voltage.

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