How to make a foot massage

How to make a foot massage

After heavy, and as usual, saturated with the problems of the labor day, especially if he was held "on the go", we say that "do not feel" from unpleasant fatigue in the feet. At the arrival, it is impossible to relax home too, and I want to refresh my strength. That is why in this article we will tell you how to make a foot massage yourself to "fly, like on wings."

Experienced specialists recommend starting all operations on the massage of the feet only after maximum relaxation, and not only legs, but also the whole body as a whole. The calm atmosphere around and good music, the relaxed state of the soul and body at the exit give amazing results! In order to relax the feet to relax, you need to gently stroke the "pads" of large fingers: in the direction from above - down, carry out slow movements, approximately until the middle of the foot. Repeat these manipulations at least 5 times, and then smoothly go to the lower part of it.

Next, proceed to rotate the feet. In order to do this correctly, it is necessary to grab not only the ankle itself, but also to "touched" the heel, but another hand to grab the "pads" of the toes. After that, slowly rotate the foot in the 1st direction several times, then repeat the same actions, but only in the opposite direction.

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Now you can do the area of \u200b\u200bthe lifting of the foot, which gets tired throughout the day. Clamp ankle so that the heel "lay" in the center of the palm. Next, using the inner base of the palm of the other hand, gently "give" to the lift itself, while moving the hand in one, then in the other direction. As well as other manipulations on the massage of the feet, this action is repeated at least 5 times.

Finger turns. They need to massage each individually, since it is here that zones are located, affecting which you can even improve the vision and state of many internal organs. It is always worth remembering that the fingers are very sensitive, as they are located the nerve endings, so all the instructions for them during the massage should be extremely gentle. Start with the mother's maiden. Gently squeezing it with "pads" of large and index fingers, pull up, and then carry out rotational movements. And so in turn "go" to the thumb.

It is impossible to leave without attention and "pads" of the foot itself - that is, the convex and elastic zones located in the front of the foot. For a competent massage, it is precisely this area of \u200b\u200bthe legs to fully compress "in a fist" and press it in order to one to one, then to another "pads", ranging from the founding of the mother's and ending with the basis of the larger finger (or vice versa - it does not matter) .

You can finish massage again very soft stroking, that is, in the same way as during its start. At the feet there is just a huge number of nerve endings, affecting which you can not only feel the ease of legs, but also a little to improve our organically all of our bodies. It is also worth noting that with the help of the massage of the feet "accelerates" the blood throughout the body, saturating it with oxygen. The outflow of lymph contributes to the rapid removal of various metabolic products, so the feeling appears "as if born again"!

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