How to make a jacket massage

How to make a jacket massage

Roast massage is a fairly effective procedure, the essence of which is in the intensive effect on the body of the human body with vacuum with a special rubber (plastic) cans. It creates a high pressure area in which the mechanisms of blood update, lymph and tissue are included.

Use of joam massage many:

  • bloodstock increases and is enriched with oxygen tissue and leather;
  • the overall muscle tone, body and immunity increases;
  • the metabolism is accelerated, the degree of cellulite decreases;
  • purified clogged and sweat glands are cleared;
  • eliminated blood stagnation in poverty nerves;
  • intensively departs a sputum with diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • less swelling and inflammation in the joints and tissues.

As with any medical procedure, vacuum massage has contraindications:

  • very high body temperature;
  • tuberculosis and oncology;
  • roda and pigment stains in the field of exposure;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation on the skin;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and varicose veins in the treated area.


The patient's body will warm up the massage movements of the hands (rubbing, squeezing, stroking) within 10 minutes to a small red peeling.

Massage 1.

Well lubricate the body surface with children's cream or oil (olive, vaseline, massage).

Massage 2.

After absorbing the oil takes the bank, it is compressed in the middle and applied the neck to the body surface. Thus, the skin will be slightly drawn into the jar. It is important not to do it with great effort, because the sensitivity to pain in all different and sensations can be quite unpleasant.

First, perform massage movements with a small amplitude, but as the body is heated, they can be increased. Spiral, zigzag, circular and longitudinal techniques are carried out throughout the body surface. In general, children are not recommended for cans more than 5 minutes, and adults are more than 15 minutes.

Massage 44.

At the end of the event, the bank is removed using an index finger placed inside. A napkin is removed by a layer of oil and a few minutes produced a relaxing massage. Then the body or problem zone is covered with a blanket, and the patient rests a quarter of an hour.

Massage 5.

There is nothing complicated in the jam massage. The main thing is not to perform it on the field of heart, kidney and spine. And you will immediately see or feel the healing effect from such a wonderful procedure.

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