How to make a vacuum massage

How to make a vacuum massage

To make a vacuum massage at home, you will need quite a bit: special jars to create a vacuum and any vegetable oil. This procedure enhances blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby splitting and contributing to the active excavation of body fat from the body naturally.

Consider in detail the process of performing a vacuum massage on the most problematic sections of the female body - on the stomach and buttocks:

  • Take a contrasting shower, alternating for 30 seconds with a jet of warm and cold water.
  • Wrap a towel and massage the body areas that will be exposed to vacuum.
  • Apply a small amount of oil on the stomach or buttocks.
  • Attach the jar to the body, pressing on it. You will see and feel the skin creating a vacuum in a bank - at first it is recommended to slowly increase the impact of the vacuum to avoid the appearance of bruises and damage the skin.
  • Start circular movements clockwise - the bank must fit tightly to the body. Easily leaves - add more oils. Moves on the body must occur as it were, the spiral is thus achieved the greatest effect.
  • Perform massage continuously for 10 minutes every day - this will be enough.

The skin that the bank sues can redden - this is normal. The appearance of red spots after massage is also considered the norm, and this is determined by the individual characteristics of the human skin.

The first time after the procedure you can feel light pain and burning on the skin, but these sensations will disappear by 3-4 times. The recommended course of the passage of vacuum massage is an average of 10 days. Such a massage is very effective against cellulite deposits on the buttocks, for tightening the skin of the belly after childbirth, as well as to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face and slowing the aging processes. And the vacuum massage is practiced for the prevention of osteochondrosis.

Differences cans for vacuum massage consist in diameter, as well as in the material from which they are completed. For example, banks 6-8 cm in diameter are suitable for the prevention of osteochondrosis, but they will need a lot. To perform a vacuum massage, in order to reduce cellulite, one will be quite enough, since you still will not be able to simultaneously move two or more cans without assistance. You can independently make a vacuum massage of several consecutive zones in turn. At the pharmacy you will find such types for this procedure:

  • Silicone banks;
  • Products with a rubber tip are the most comfortable;
  • Glass jars;
  • Devices for carrying out vacuum massage: differ by adjusting pressure parameters within the can.

Vacuum massage has contraindications: it is categorically impossible to create a vacuum with jars on the inside of the hip, as it is very thin skin in this place.

Massage cannot be done in such cases:

  • For suspended belly after childbirth - no earlier than 6 weeks after them;
  • With hypertension, ischemia, gynecological inflammation;
  • With varicose extension of vessels, especially on the legs, as there is a risk of pulling the extended vessel outside;
  • If the close position of capes to the skin surface.

For vacuum massage for the purpose of slimming and skin suspenders, sesame oil or wheat gear oil is perfectly suitable with the addition of orange essential oil. A good effect also has peach, grape, olive and apricot oil. In addition, for massage procedures, special anti-cellulite or children's hypoallergenic drugs can be used, whose choice is yours. The main thing is that the selected product does not have an aggressive impact on the skin, as it is possible to provoke the appearance of irritation.

In combination with this type of massage, the exercises should be systematically performed to bring muscles to the tone - only so you will achieve a visible result. By itself, the vacuum massage does not save you completely from body defects, it will not be superfluous and the correction of the power supply to achieve good results. Consultation of the therapist is also strongly recommended to avoid health problems associated with the use of vacuum massage.

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