The popularity of massage with vacuum cans is explained by the simplicity of fulfillment, the low cost of the product and the high efficiency of the results. Correctly fulfilled at home can be a worthy alternative to expensive salon procedures.
Principle of operation and types of vacuum cans
During the vacuum effects, the skin and tissue of a person is intensively saturated with oxygen due to increased blood circulation and lymphotok. Thanks to this therapeutic influence, blood circulation and lymph are normalized, congestion phenomena are eliminated in tissues, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin increases.
Massage banks are several types:
- Glass. Inexpensive, easy to eat. Vacuum is achieved with the help of fire, so in the absence of skill there are risk of burns.
- Rubber. Safe and cheap. Air is expelled by simple compression of the jar. Disadvantages - poorly laundered from massage oils and creams.
- Silicone. Modern analogue of rubber cans. Inexpensive, easy to eat. Very convenient for self-massage.
- Polymer-glass. Vacuum is created by a rubber-pear with a glass cabinet jar. The cost of the massager is slightly higher than simple glass and silicone products.
- Banks with pump. Plastic caps, the air of which is removed by the pump. Due to this, adjacent to the skin is much stronger than in glass and silicone cans. Massage performing such a device is better to entrust the professional, as it is high like the likelihood of injury to the skin and vessels.
- With magnetic inserts. A powerful magnet inserted into the plastic case of the bank is affected by the rotten vacuum. The penetration depth of the magnetic field reaches 9 cm, thereby enhanced the saturation of oxygen tissues.
For anti-cellulite massage at home, simple silicone banks with a diameter of 50-60 mm are suitable. You can buy them in the pharmacy, departments of medical equipment, online stores.
With all the simplicity and apparent harmlessness, a cannon massage in the hips and buttocks is contraindicated in the following states:
- the presence of benign or malignant tumors, regardless of localization;
- acute infectious diseases;
- cardiovascular disorders;
- a tendency to thrombosis and hemorrhage;
- thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the third degree;
- fungal and purulent skin lesions in the massage zone;
- II-III trimester of pregnancy.
For the first sessions of the anti-cellulite massage is enough one can. Then, as the techniques are used, manipulations are carried out by two banks, working on both legs at the same time. Sequence of steps:
- Heat the problem zone. Dry the thigh energetically, break the buttocks. You can take a hot shower and firmly confused by a towel. High-quality warming will help reduce pain during the pneumatic procedure.
- Abundantly lubricate the skin with massage cream or butter. A large number of these cosmetics will provide good gliding banks.
- Squeeze the jar and apply it to the skin. The sticking massager move from the bottom up straight, circular or spiral movements.
- During the session, avoid the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe thighs, poning depressions, inguinal lymph nodes.
- So that the banks are not raised when moving from the back of the hip to the buttock, bend the leg in the knee and put on some elevation. It is more comfortable to carry out such a massage lying.
- Move the jar need smooth movements without delaying on any site to avoid the appearance of bruises.
- Massage is considered qualitatively performed if resistant hyperemia in the hips and buttocks have been achieved.
The duration of massage at the initial stage — 5 minutes. The first sessions are often very painful, especially in places where cellulite is most launched. The fourth-fifth procedure is unpleasant sensations become less pronounced, and the time of vacuum exposure increases to 15-20 minutes. The full course is calculated on the degree of cellulite severity and is 10-20 daily sessions. With increased sensitivity to the jam massage the procedure is performed every other day.
Cellulite — The problem, encouraging girls and women to many cosmetic experiments. The purpose of such events — Not only the return of the elasticity and tightness of the skin, but also the "orange peel" disappeared as soon as possible. Vacuum banks will greatly cope with both tasks.
Who was interested in chinese vacuum massage with banks? I made a course, I liked it very much! Even my place can be recommended, to hand over the appearance of Paroli, as they say. Spa Salon Sunny Spa is located on Kutuzovsky Prospect. Here is the phone +7 (495) 589-51-51. The procedure itself is very pleasant and relaxing, healthier. This is an anti-cellulite massage in essence, because the procedure contributes to the acceleration of metabolism, as a result, cellulite disappears or becomes less pronounced, the muscle tone increases. Especially those who lose weight, right what the doctor prescribed!